Heya, here’s my submission for the Jam
One (K)night alone, a simple dungeon crawler, where you have to survive one night. Detailled story on the game’s page: https://grisgram.itch.io/one-knight-alone
I was a bit late to the party here and had only 5 days to make this thing… so please be kind to me :-) It contains some bugs, and the floating texts overlap sometimes too much. The combat runs a bit too fast, i got feedback, it was unclear, what killed you. i will try to polish a bit today evening, and no sounds - didn’t have the time,
Can you survive one night? It’s 12 Levels to beat the game! Post your score, if you manage it!
Detailled list on the how-to’s is also on the game’s page
Have fun! Gris