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Last StandView game page

A frantic tower defense game against waves of undead
Submitted by Stealthy Shiroean Games (@stealthyshiro) — 12 hours, 24 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 70 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Yes, I listed them on the Itch page.

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Attached as a download on the Itch page.

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I really had a fun time playing this!!! :)
The missing enemy hit feedback threw me of the first couple of seconds but then I already noticed that I'm hitting the enemies :D
Gameplay felt nice and challenging and the used assets were well selected and put together.
Great Job! :)


Thanks for playing my game. I'm glad that you enjoyed your time with it!


It took me a second to figure out how to finish level one, but once I got the hang of it, it was pretty fun! I like the how you made the theme of this game and the tower defense idea is a good one. Nice job!


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed my game! I definitely will need to improve level one with some better player onboarding and feedback when the player hits enemies. It seems to have been really confusing for some, which the feedback has been super helpful on that front. 


Reminded me of Plants Vs Zombies. If you plan on expanding this game, you are off to a really good start. 

I can imagine the coding difficulties you went through given the  limited time frame, so excellent work on that front.

If there are future updates, I  hope you will make the first level easier.  😀


Thank you for playing my game and for the kind words! I will definitely be working on it some more. I have quite a bit more ideas for it and things I want to make better from all the feedback I've been given. Player onboarding is something I really want to work on for the game as well. I think I had a certain feel in mind for the difficulty and coupled with me being the developer I started wondering if the game was too easy. So I left it, but I can definitely see now that wasn't the case.


Not usually a fan of tower defence so I was unable to complete this game :(. But I really liked the cohesion between artstyle and music. Also liked the lotr reference. 


Thank you for trying the game! I'm glad you liked the art and music. I was a bit surprised with how well it came together since I had to Frankenstein so many assets from different artists. And yeah!! Haha, you're the first person to have mentioned the LOTR reference. I was going to go with Rohan backwards but I didn't like the way Nahor rolled off the tongue so I swapped out the O with an E. 


Fun! Really liked the presentation, the music is very fitting, too. Overall nice pacing, gameplay felt fluid. As others have noted, better player feedback would be great. I lost some time clicking back and forth when I apparently hadn't succeeded in selecting a defense at the bottom. Sometimes items stayed black, even when I had enough currency again (selecting them still worked, though). And better feedback on hitting enemies would be great. But still, fantastic job, congrats!


Thank you for playing my game! I'm glad you enjoyed it! And as far as selecting goes, the selection would only turn white if the player selected it not if they had enough money. Although, that would be a great QoL feature to add for players to let them know if they have enough to purchase defenses. Thanks for the idea!


Interesting, so I apparently formed a wrong theory about the selection mechanics while clicking around wildly. Tells you something about the brain, I guess :)


It really does! I'm glad that you brought it up because I never would have thought otherwise.


Took a while to get the hang of holding down fire and moving but I did eventually clear the first level and got upgrades but you start the level with no currency - it would be nice if you accumulated currency on the previous level so you could get set up for the next wave. I found once I had some currency I also had so many enemies I couldn't stop shooting to put up defences!


Thank you for trying out my game! The intention was to be firing and moving with one hand and still being able to place defenses with the other; however, I definitely do think that some difficulty options would be nice for a future update. Thanks for the feedback!


Alas, I have 2 hands but only 1 brain and its not as young as it was!


Haha, it's no problem. Like I said, I really do want to create difficulty options for better accessibility. I think I had a target difficulty in mind for the jam and given the small scope of the project there just wasn't any time for me to figure out how to do that.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice job of making a Plants vs Zombies game in your first game jam.
I hope you enjoyed the experience and will be back for more.


Definitely! This was a really rewarding experience for me and I'm happy to have participated and produced something that I'm proud of. Thank you for playing my game! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Played and rated.

Really enjoyed playing! I liked the concept a lot. The music was nice, the gameplay was balanced and rewarding.

I would say what's missing is hit feedback, as I felt like my fireball disappeared when it simply hit and didn't kill. The delay for shooting was also a bit bothering.

Overall a great game with a fun gameplay, that only lacks some feedback and smoother attacking. Great work :)

Would appreciate if you check out and rate our game as well:


Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed my game! Player feedback is definitely a thing that will be remedied in the future. And maybe the delay felt off because I was calling it in an animation event? Or maybe the animation needs to be sped up. I'll play around with it and see what feels better!

And of course! I'll get to your game some time today!


I agree with everyone else about the comparison to Plants vs Zombies, and I love it! Excellent effort for a jam game indeed!


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


Great submission! A little bit like plants vs zombies but more interactive. Great submission!


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)


Man I'm a sucker for such games great job! It is pretty though I got to say and I always felt that I could use more resources than what I had available or rather that my "towers" where not strong enough. I would also increase the hit feedback on the enemies and maybe make the colliders a little smaller as I first thought that my fireballs where not reaching them even though I think they did but skeletons take two hits to kill? Your story telling with the small bits after the levels was great!


Thank you for playing my game! I'm glad you enjoyed your time with it! And I completely agree with both points. Even playing it myself I feel like the resource drops could be tweaked a bit more so that it doesn't feel unfair in some situations. As far as player feedback goes, that has been the main point of criticism for most players and I completely agree with that. The collider definitely needs to be smaller and I think adding some sort of particle effect or making the enemies flash red or something would be just what the game needs. 


Pretty fun game.

I liked the music you chose as well as how you managed to make a relatively cohesive visual style from all the different assets you used. Good job!

At first it was hard to kill the zombies with the magic attacks because I was clicking individually to shoot and the magic balls stopped mid-air without reaching the end of the field. I later learned that you can hold down the attack button and just move.

If that's the intended way of shooting, maybe it would help to just make it autoshoot and the player only has to focus on moving up or down and placing barriers.

Another idea would be have a magic power bar that fills up when you're not shooting and the first shot after a full bar is super powerful and clears a whole row of enemies.

Fun game!


Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I definitely agree. I had thought that an auto-shoot might be a better option. I would like to incorporate other spells to the mix so I hope that can break the gameplay loop a bit so that the player isn't just constantly holding down spacebar. I really like your idea about a power bar filling up though! I might try that and see how it plays.


Solid game! The story and theme were well done! I quick explanation of the score and the cost of the defenses would be nice. Also it seemed like some fireballs went further than others.


Thank you! I'm glad that you liked my game. And I definitely agree! I would like to improve the player onboarding so that it's less confusing. Also, the fireball game objects would be destroyed when they hit an enemy. The biggest problem is that there is no player feedback letting them know their fireballs actually hit something. I'll be changing this as well lol. Thanks for the feedback!


Wow, very nice! I found it challenging. Excellent animations and music. The gameplay very much reminds me of Plants Vs. Zombies!

This strikes me as extremely ambitious for your first ever game jam entry, and it seems like you did a great job! Well done!


Wow, thank you! I'm glad that you liked my game. 


nice game! simple straightforward controls and great story, the graphics is neat . It has a good learning curve and replay value,  I would play this game again, overall I enjoyed playing! congratulations! keep it up!


Thank you for your kind words! I'm really glad that you enjoyed your time with it!


Awesome game, It's hard to find a feed back to give as everything is good.  The game could use more polish in animations and visuals. But other than that,  pretty good game, all things fit together here.


Thank you for playing my game! I'm glad that you enjoyed your time. And yeah, I agree there. I had to Frankenstein the game together with a bunch of different assets. The goal one day would be to create my own visuals but I'm definitely not able to at the moment. 


Very nice game! Hard but well balanced!


Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


This was a fun game to pass some time with. Though I have to admit to being very bad at it!

The design all fits together well, especially the background on the first screen :D


Thank you for trying out my game. I'm glad you liked it! :)


Great pixel art and good gameplay! A little overwhelming the amount of undead just on the second wave!

Me too I've created my first game e first gamejam! 

If you want to give it a shot at mine :)


Thank you for playing my game! I can't take any credit for the pixel art as it was all done by other people. I would absolutely love to be able to produce a game with all art assets of something I created though. If I continue working on this post-jam, I would like to have some sort of difficulty options for better accessibility.

And, of course! I'll make sure to give your game a try a bit later today. Thanks again for your feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This was really well made! I enjoyed playing through the levels quite a bit. If I had any recommendations one would be to have some kind of reaction animation or effect when your fireball hits the enemies (on impact). Again, great job on this!


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed my game. And yup, yup, player feedback is the number one thing other people have mentioned. It definitely needs to be priority fix post-jam!

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