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Did not complete my game in time

A topic by Stormfyre created May 31, 2022 Views: 138 Replies: 2
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This was my very first game jam, the free course was enough to make me give it a try, while i did not make a working game I did make half a game that is not functional. It is close enough I am going to keep working at it. I expect it will be a few more days, and a few days more trying to figure out how to add sound. Thanks for the incentive to get me into trying jams.


I'm sorry for that and I feel you. I VERY nearly didn't submit my game, I decided to do it at the very end. It is very basic, playable but not finished but I still think it's fun... I'm a bit ashamed of submitting something this simple but I think it's better to try and fail miserably than not trying at all. The connection to the theme is just that it's so hard you'll die at the first seconds of it, until you start mastering the physics.

(3 edits)

Yeah, I was in the same boat. I got to the final hour and I was still struggling with the core elements like my lives system I was pretty disappointed not to be able to finish it for the Jam but just making a game without an instructional video to rely on has been really helpful in cementing what I've learned so far.

By the final hour I had fixed the issue where the player wasn't dying when they were supposed to but now they were dying when they weren't supposed to. At this point I figured I probably wouldn't be able to finish the rest of the game in the remaining hour :[