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I need someone who can make sounds and music

A topic by LookAndDestroy created May 10, 2024 Views: 196 Replies: 11
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We are three people to make a game if you are interested in music or sound, you can work with us


Hi, I'm a unity developer and I also know a little Blender modoling and animation. I'm intersted in music and sound, but I've never tried it. If you are okay that I learn in process, you can add me. My DC: kramerzj

I added you kramerzj, my discord name is Devmusk 

Hello, im also interested in assisting with sound designing and music composition. I am willing to work with others sound and audio artist if you will have me.

OK, we can work together what is your discord name?


I sent you a request

I can make some music if you're interested in me making music for your games.

Hi! I have a sound design and music background and would be willing to help out. Lmk if you still need someone

ok what is your discord name

its rockylewis

I sent you a request but you didn't accept it yet