Assets look really cool, but there's not much for gameplay other than shooting with space (which is not really intuitive) and walking around. The mouse also doesn't lock in the middle of the screen, making gameplay very annoying.
The particles' glow and the skeletons look really cool!
I also like how the particles disappear after a while which makes the game very playable because that way you can't spawn a million particles and kill your fps or make the map a complete mess.
But the enemy does not move or attack you. I think more interaction with the enemy would be nice gameplay but maybe you didnt have time for that.
(Also maybe add a button to restart the game at the end so i dont have to manually restart the game)
Misschien dat je meer dingen kapot kan maken. Oh endat je enemy health heeft zodat het spel langer duurt.
Ik hoorde mijn schoten gewoon "brrrrrrrrrr" gaan wat wel nice was.
I love the glowing purple cubes, and shooting is pretty satisfying. Not much else to comment on :)
Quick victory, shooting felt nice though
De skelly designs zijn very nice, kijk uit naar de verdere gameplay die hopelijk toegevoegd gaat worden nog :)
Assets look really cool, but there's not much for gameplay other than shooting with space (which is not really intuitive) and walking around. The mouse also doesn't lock in the middle of the screen, making gameplay very annoying.
The particles' glow and the skeletons look really cool!
I also like how the particles disappear after a while which makes the game very playable because that way you can't spawn a million particles and kill your fps or make the map a complete mess.
But the enemy does not move or attack you. I think more interaction with the enemy would be nice gameplay but maybe you didnt have time for that.
(Also maybe add a button to restart the game at the end so i dont have to manually restart the game)