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Kalapaniikki (Fish panic)View project page

A game about ice fishing
Submitted by Shquppa — 4 minutes, 54 seconds before the deadline
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Kalapaniikki (Fish panic)'s page

Link to gameplay video

Veikka Taka - Game Design, 3D modelling, Asset drawing, Documentation, Building the physical and electronic game assets, Testing
Antti-Jussi Miettinen - Game Design, Art, Testing
Perttu Jalovaara - Game Design

Tools and Resources
-One Note, note taking and asset drawing
-Blender, 3D modelling for the early game concept
-Inkscape, asset drawing and batch export of cards drawn in One note
-Tabletop simulator, Playing platform
-Cardboard and scissors, physical game assets

Estimated work hours

The game development involved zero coding since it's a physical board game and building the a deck of cards in tabletop simulator can be done via UI clicking.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

The game is about a ice fishing in a remote wintery village. See the project page for more detailed info!

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With just watching the video, Id say you have a well-working core tetris-like mechanic in place. In addition you have many other levels: selecting the water area, a column where the fish are placed ( did not quite get the meaning of this), shop and the victory point cards. Without actually playing, my maybe not that well informed opinion is that the game would benefit from reducing the number of these different stages and placing more emphasis to well working core, the bag mechanic.