Is the resolution determined by Port on Screen or View in Room?
Here is a tutorial for ya. It will make your game exactly the resolution you want. So when you rotate objects, it won't add extra pixels to it.
Here is how my camera works:
Create event:
//Scale multiplier
scale_mult = 5;
//View resolution
view_wview = 160;
view_hview = 144;
//Set view to the resolution multiplied by the scale multiplier
window_set_size(160*scale_mult, 144*scale_mult);
//Reset surface to apply modifications
Not required, but handy to modify the zoom while the game runs:
Step event:
//Inputs to modify zoom on the fly
key_zoom_plus = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_f9);
key_zoom_minus = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_f10);
if (key_zoom_plus)
///Camera code
scale_mult += 1;
scale_mult = clamp (scale_mult, 1, 6);
view_wview = 160;
view_hview = 144;
window_set_size(160*scale_mult, 144*scale_mult);
//Reset surface to apply modifications
if (key_zoom_minus)
///Camera code
scale_mult -= 1;
scale_mult = clamp (scale_mult, 1, 6);
view_wview = 160;
view_hview = 144;
window_set_size(160*scale_mult, 144*scale_mult);
//Reset surface to apply modifications
Hope it can help!