As the title stated, what are your biggest challenges in this jam?
probably just time management - I mentioned leaving the bulk of the graphics, pretty much everything, until the last 48 hours. I feel like if I spaced it out more evenly I could've been spending more of my last couple days polishing up the level design. I ended up doing a very slap-dash method of triggering text boxes too n if I'd organized more ahead of time maybe I could've actually put together a much more cohesive system for it.
It's funny like, the more time you spend organizing, the more time it saves you in the long run when you're not trying to slap things together and having to go back and fix them when they don't quite work.
Claire's grappling hook was a new thing for me too, I have had a little practice with projectiles but not that particular kind. I wasn't sure it'd work because my entry isn't really a physics based platformer so I had to think outside the box for how to manipulate it properly - I think it works pretty well ultimately. It was also one of the most uh, prominent breakages I had in the playtest phase lol
For me is how to save and load each data for every fish. because every fish have different Age, Health and Gender.
Also the offline, how can i make that if the player go offline for 1hr and back to the game, the fish still grow base on how long the player is offline. i implement this offline thing to the health of fish becausea my fish get less 1 health every 1min and also for the age and the money.
Personally I was hoping to put in a few more mechanics before the time is up but couldn't do so. Nevertheless, this game jam did push me a bit to move rapidly rather than procrastinating for months. However, I'm still figuring out why my audio sounded weird on browser but it does seems to be fine on my pc when playing it.