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A topic by Aimilios_Mila created Jun 25, 2022 Views: 217 Replies: 11
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(2 edits)

l'm Quiting , not beacuse i want to but Because i can't do this, it's just isn't fun anymore for me

" making a game as fast as possible without understanding half of what you're doing " doesn't feel presonally fun , l'm not saying don't do game jams it's just that i presonally don't find them exciting or fun , to me they just make you frustrated & pressured to do something you love or you don't "Win"

Hope someone can learn from my mistake


I can imagine how you feel and of course a game jam is not for every game dev. Personally this is my first game jam and as for me it's exciting. You don't have to make a perfectly polished game. Just do it and have fun!

Perhabs it is very important for you to win this jam. But in my opinion it isn't. Probably I wouldn't create this game if not for this jam.

It's the experience you gain. You gain experience with every game object, line of code or visual node you add to any project. And if you get some feedback, it is icing on the cake :)


You know , you're not wrong

I don't have to win , game jams aren't about wining , they're about making a game! + they give you rules to make it more exciting & challenging , l'm the one who's actually making me hate my own game , i think of it as the "perfect" game with amazing visuals & gameplay

but a game doesn't have to be prefect , it just needs to be fun.

 yknow what , l'm going to challenge myself and make a game , Thanks. 


Glad I could help! I was not that much different to you some years ago (before I started to develop game). For example I played hardly any board or card game because I didn't want to loose. Now that it changed I have very much fun in playing this kind of games!

I would love to try your game and give feedback!

Have a nice weekend!

You too my man👍✌ 

Deleted post

I appreciate your help a lot guys😄

Hope You Achieve Your Goals Too🚩


make sure to keep going, like what you just told me, you seem really inspirational, so why not inspire yourself?

God dam you're right😂

i've decided i'll quit to, BECAUSE, the theme forces me to make a game very similiar to the game i made for the lost relic jam, and don't wanna make a rlly similiar game, and i don't want creative burnout, so i can do the GMTK jam for the first time.

My man , i think l'm in the same boat as you

I love jams , they get you out of the comfort zone , but i think it's to late to make a game now

i can make a Mediocre Game rn but , it's not what i was expecting when i joined the jam , i thought it's ganna be " making a game in 3 days & coming up with a creative idea " , but my issue was that i had a scope way beyond my skills , i have never done a game jam before ,  i understand about 4% of the engine i use and making a master piece isn't possible at all....

GMTK Jam is coming & next time , l'm not making the same mistake , see you in there , friend😃

kk, this is my 6th jam, but honestly, the first jam i joined that i was actually proud of the game, was the lost relic game jam, which is the jam i participated in last week.