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For GLIDE Jam I will be creating a rule-set for upgrading equipment.
Players can use their Scrap and Artefacts found, or bought, to increase the bonuses of equipment and gear. Each upgrade will cost a set amount of resources, depending on the type of gear or equipment that the player is upgrading. For example: Glider upgrades will cost a higher amount of Scrap as the Glider takes a fair bit of abuse when out in the desert and need more materials to ensure the upgrade is safe and secure.
For this expansion to work I am going to add a profession; the Mechanic. This profession will serve as a framework for new all new professions in the future. I'll post the full breakdown on how to create a profession once I get the base done. This addition will also work hand-in-hand with my Downtime expansion recently released. (
I'm excited to see what the other jammers end up doing!
As a side note: I've added free copies to each of my official expansions to help those who are looking for inspiration.