Hey, thanks for checking this out! Sorry about that issue, it looks like it's something to do with Unreal Engine's shader compiler. I noticed I get a warning when packaging although it succeeds.
I'm updating the objects in my game now; I'll put up a working build in a bit!
I'm disqualifying this entry because it doesn't appear to work. If that's a mistake please reply to this comment. Thanks
Hey, thanks for checking this out! Sorry about that issue, it looks like it's something to do with Unreal Engine's shader compiler. I noticed I get a warning when packaging although it succeeds.
I'm updating the objects in my game now; I'll put up a working build in a bit!
Same, only a black screen for at least a minute and no specific form of processing.
Edit: after 2 minutes, i get an error: "GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 120.00 secs"
Couldnt get the game to start sorry!