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A member registered Feb 26, 2013 · View creator page →

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I don’t see an visibility limitations on pages one your account at this time. Closing this thread.


Issue has been resolved.

Pinned ReplyAdmin

As written in sometimes pages may be subject to human review. Your best option is to continue distributing your page as normal and someone will eventually review the page.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (2 edits)

I don’t see any issues with your page’s indexing. Please make sure you actually read the rules of the board before posting, don’t just click the checkbox.

We ask that you explicitly confirm that you have read our guide at before making a topic about your page’s visibility.

Third party search engines like Google Search are completely outside of our control.

Should i just delete the page and make another one? Sigh.

No, recreating pages may get flagged as suspicious behavior and cause your account to be ineligible for indexing.

Admin (6 edits)

Over the past two weeks, we’ve rolled out a new search backend. Refining our search system is an ongoing task, but this latest update represents a significant upgrade in terms of quality and features, so I wanted to highlight some of the notable changes. Keep in mind our search system is separate from our autocomplete system. The search results page is what appears after you type something in the search bar and submit it.

As a reminder, our search system is about finding things by name or title. If you’re looking to browse by category, we recommend using our browse pages and filtering by tag.

Better Text Matching, Higher Performance

The new service we’re using has much better support for various types of queries, including different languages and typo tolerance. It should now match substrings from your query in various new ways to help you find what you’re looking for. Those trying to find your game should have a substantially easier time doing so.

The system is substantially more performant than our old one. For this reason, we’re able to start indexing more fields related to each project page and provide more ways to find and filter pages.

Filtering Added

We’re now indexing the page type (games, assets, tabletop, etc.) with every indexed page. You can filter by these from the top of the search results page. We’ll likely add more filtering options in the future, but for now, this should satisfy the biggest complaint we received about not being able to find a particular type of item by name. For example, searching for Game Assets with “Cave” in their name.

Updated Fields Indexed for Games

We’ve changed what fields from game and project pages are used for indexing. The following is the list of fields that may match a user’s query in order of precedence:

  1. Title (including any title aliases set by a site admin)
  2. Project URL (if different from the title)
  3. Creator’s name and any contributor names
  4. Short description or tagline

The biggest changes here are that all contributor names contribute to a result, and the short description can be used for search terms.

Because we’re now indexing pages by their author names, we’ve temporarily removed the account search functionality from the search results page. We may revisit this in the future.

Jam Search Added

We’re now indexing all jams that are eligible for display. The indexing eligibility is the same as the eligibility for the jam browsing pages: The page must be published, the “Unlisted” option must be unchecked on the jam edit page, and new jam hosts will require human approval for their first jams. Example search, find all the GitHub Game Off jams.

Jam results can be filtered by their status, e.g., in progress, finished, upcoming, etc.

The fields used to index a jam are:

  1. Title
  2. URL (if different from title)
  3. Names of hosts
  4. The short description

Backend Processing

Our new search service runs independently of our primary database. For this reason, we now asynchronously index pages when changes are made by the creators. There may be a small delay between when a page is updated and when and how it appears in search results. Keep this in mind if you’re trying to test your project’s visibility and you just made changes to the page. You may want to check back in an hour or so if you don’t see what you expect.


Unfortunately since different developers can have different methods for collecting earnings, we haven’t been able to add a general purpose shopping cart at this time. In the future we may explore some options but it’s not a trivial change.



I can confirm your information has been received. You will have to wait for a staff member reviewing the payouts to get to your payout again the queue. If we need any additional information from you, we will contact you over email.



Don’t create duplicate topics please.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (2 edits)

Note: We’ve deployed a second IP address to the server as we attempt to debug the regional access issues. We’ve updated our DNS records to point to this IP. Please report back if you are still having issues accessing site.

The new IP is

You can use your system’s ping command to check if your computer is using the new IP address: ping


I just ran the results calculation again for you. It should be up now.

Admin (4 edits)

There are options that read like this.

I’m not sure what you referring to. The rewards system limits the number of buyers/owners that can happen, but an individual’s ownership never has limited access to the files that are uploaded to the page.

Based on my read of what you posted, you’re making complaints about functionality unrelated to what the original poster is talking about. It’s fine to make feature requests and complaints, but I ask that you don’t hijack other topics for your requests.

“Each item 50% off! or buy everything for $116.85! Regularly $233.85”. Half of 233.85 is 116.925, so I guess there is rounding errors with those 15 items…

When a sale bundle shows that message it means that each item is individually 50% off, and the developer also set an explicit “bundle buy price” to enable buying everything at once. The percentage and fixed amounts amounts are not calculated from one another.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit) does not offer the option to limit the number of times a file can be downloaded after a user purchases a product. This is intentional, as such DRM measures often harm end-users and are ineffective at preventing piracy.

If you, as a publisher, go out of your way to add restrictions about how users can access purchased goods, may refund transactions and limit your ability to receive payouts. As a publisher we expect you to ensure that your customers are able to access the products that they have paid for.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit)

This issue happens on pages that have “SharedBufferArray” enabled. iframe embeds that don’t have the necessary security headers applied are blocked by the browser. In the future we’ll either disable the video embeds on those pages, or we’ll change how those games are launched by the browser.


Please don’t hijack other people’s topics. Additionally, I seem to remember your username. Are you using a new account to avoid a restriction placed on an account you previously had? That is considered ban evading.


PayPal payouts are being processed normally on our end. The error message is clearly in regards to your account. You will have to try to escalate the ticket on PayPal to someone who is familiar with Mass Payouts so that they can help you.

Admin (1 edit)

Where did you get that IP address?


interesting find, thanks for the report

Admin (1 edit)

We ask that you don’t republish other people’s work unless you are the owner. Even if it’s something that is freely available. We intend to be a platform for creators to distribute their work, not a place for people to upload mirrors of freely available software.

Is this just a mirror of the original game or have you made meaningful additions and changes to the original software?

Admin (1 edit)

That error message comes directly from PayPal and it blocks us from sending money to your account. You can try contacting PayPal support with that error message to see if they can assist you any further. If that doesn’t work you can try setting up a Payoneer account to collect the payout.


This is perfectly normal, it means that you have established connection with the sever over HTTP and it’s instructing you to connect via HTTPS


Thank you, this helps


Closing thread, page appears to be indexed with no issues.

Pinned ReplyAdmin (9 edits)

We are not blocking any countries from access to our servers. Yesterday we had an outage due to a networking issue that resulted in our host transferring our primary server to a new IP. The updated DNS settings may take time to propagate.

First you’ll want to verify that your requests are going to the IP (We updated the IP again, see above) to access

Next, if you have access to curl you could run something like curl -v to see where the failure might be happening. Thanks we have enough examples

Edit: Thanks for showing the curl output, next if possible, could you share the output of traceroute or similar command like this user has done: Note that this command may expose your IP address, so feel free to redact it from the output before pasting it into the site.

We’ve collected enough information, thanks for helping out.


It looks like your account was created 4 hours ago. Do you have another account where you experienced this issue?


We had some downtime today. All services should be restored now. If you had trouble uploading please try again.


Pinned ReplyAdmin (2 edits)

We recently deployed a new search backend and we’ve added the ability to filter a search result page by the project type, including game assets.

More updates for searching are planned, but hopefully this change helps you find what you’re looking for.


Well you’re in luck as we just launched a new search engine that supports finding jams!


Page at URL looks deleted. Closing this thread.


The platform doesn’t look at your tax information, we use a third party system to collect and verify information. Their verification is final, if you don’t get your information validated by them the you can not receive payments from us. All we know is if your information is validated or not, we don’t see the specifics. If there’s something about your information that was rejected then you’re welcome to try again, as our support team will likely advise you.


There are some circumstances that may cause our tax provider to reach out to you to collect more information about verifying your identity. Based on what you described, that seems to be the case. From our end, your data is still incomplete, therefore no payouts can be processed.