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Project GonagonView game page

Project Gonagon is a short puzzle game set in an abandoned research facility.
Submitted by addiment, Snowfall2022, Ecclaxion, snowsign — 16 minutes, 49 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Our game has you literally escaping a mind control facility, owned by Control Inc.

Did your team create the art for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the audio for this game during the 48 hour time slot?


We used pre-existing audio

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Interesting game, my computer struggles a little to much to play it properly so I've elected not to rate it. I enjoyed the voice acting and from what I got to see of the game it looked very pretty with the lights and reflections. I was very intrigued and will revisit this if I ever get a better PC. If you want to improve performance on all machines, I suggest only loading in things that are close to the player and keeping everything else unloaded. Best of luck in the Jam!


Thanks for the compliments! I’m sorry you were unable to run it properly, the system I used to implement all the levels starts in one level, and uses streaming to connect them all. That’s the reason why some people get stuck in the floor, because the levels don’t properly load before the player spawns. Next iteration of the game we’re gonna load each level separately and swap between them.


Great! I can't wait to play this again when you do that! Are you going to be adding additional content when that drops too?


This game is very interesting ! The music is quit loud, we can have some difficulties to hear you.


Glad to here you enjoyed the game, as for the music we may fix this in the future.


I really like the textures and the neon effects. The level design is really nice. However I was expecting the theme "Out of control" to be in the mechanics of the game. The story of "Control Inc." seems to be only an excuse to fit in the jam. I would really like to see this project as a full game though.


Thank you for your feedback, everything helps especially constructive criticism. The company being named "Control Inc." is more of a gag than anything, and the story behind it is what we added for "Out of control." As of now this game is working as a sort of 'Beta' per say, we have larger plans for this project in the future. Thanks again for the feedback. 


Great to know! Good luck!


10/10, 5 Stars, Great game, I'm saying this out of my own free will and am not under the control of any higher beings.


This was really fun to work on, I just wish we learned to use git better


Agreed, I had a blast!

I would like to thank our team for being GAMERS.


Thank you everyone for the support, it means a lot! 


Hahaha loved the mmm device thing, really cool lots of fun.


Very funny commentary!

