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A member registered Aug 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Dang :(

That's a bug I completely missed and I don't think I have time to fix it with the 24 hour time limit. Do you have a time for how quick you made it up?

Nice! That's awesome! What's your highs score on the lava escape game?

I did! That's completely incredible! I wish you had video, I'd love to see some of your strats!

That's incredible! Sorry for the long delay, I've been working on another project.

(2 edits)

Have you discovered the true ending? Discovered a reference to something?

Have you gotten a remarkable score or legendary time? Post it here!

Video is preferred but screenshots will be accepted too!

You should be able to embed it into the website.

Here's an article that explains how to do that: Embedding a game from itch.io into your website: A step-by-step guide (devcodef1.com)

Do you have a website you'd like to show my game off on?

That's incredible! Didn't even know getting it that low was possible!

Hey! Do you mind if we use this comment in a future project?

Can you send a screenshot of what you see? 

Depending on where you are, you may need to mouse over the enemy to shoot or press 'r' to reload or 'm' to heal.

Nice! That's super impressive! Do you have video of your run?

Did you get it to work?

According to speedrun.com, the fasted time for level 4 (with video proof is 4.27)

A 4.25 is listed but (to my knowledge)  does not have any video proof

Sorry! Somehow missed your reply! Go ahead and share it!


Sure! The best way is probably discord still. If that doesn't work we can figure something else out

(1 edit)

Congrats! You're the second person to break the 60 second line for sum of best! The WR (according to speedrun.com) is currently 59.8 

Good Questions!

1) It should be counting frames, not entirely sure how a 2.34 is possible either since that would require 140.5 frames. I'll look into my timer code to make sure there isn't a bug somewhere. 

2) Can you expand on what you mean here? The basic functionality of a ghost character to race against wouldn't be hard to implement, the challenging part would be saving and loading the files. I'd either have to invest in a server and learn network code or I'd have to ask people to manually save and upload files, which runs the risk of viruses. It's a good idea, I just have to think of exactly how I'd do it. 

Thanks for the info! I'm going to do a bunch of testing with edge to see if I can replicate it. 6 seeds shouldn't make it crash. If for whatever reason it crashes again, let me know and I'll make you a new save

Okay, I'll make you a new save file, I do want to inspect the old one to see what went wrong. The only thing I can think of is that you had to  many seeds or maybe it was an issue related to saving in the specific browser you have.

1. How far along were you in terms of upgrades?

2. Which doors did you have open in the main area?

3. What Browser are you using?

(1 edit)

Can you be more specific? Did the save functionality not work? Did the game crash at a high level? Did you have tons of level seeds saved?

Hey! Sorry for the delay.

1. The game's physics run at 60 fps.

2. There is a 15-frame window for coyote time or .25 of a second

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Fun game! I enjoyed the tactile thinking of when to swap characters, taking into account ranges and such. I did notice some characters like the skeleton archer did way less damage then said. Overall I really liked it! I hope you add music at some point as that would really complete the experience!

Thanks for letting me know! I replayed and rerated it, that does make this game super fun and interesting! I guess there is a bug where you can occasionally shift pieces on the way down

Beautiful looking game! I couldn't actually get the pieces to shift row unfortunately. I could get one every now and again but it felt rather random. Am I missing something?

Pretty dark story with babies drowning. I got stuck on the second level where you have to eat the fishermen. The idea of a 'reverse fishing game' is interesting but mechanically it feels like other 'eat and grow bigger' games.

Thanks! I wanted to lean more into the 'you are the villain' aspect beyond story but ran out of time. Maybe something I'd expand on more in the post-jam version

Thanks! The art is all based off the Kenny 1-bit pack that was highly modified by me. The sound is all stock / pre-purchased!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I'm considering adding a new game plus feature to make it harder for when the jam is done. I'd rather have a jam game that's too easy and that people can finish / enjoy instead of one where it's too frustrating to get into! 

Really fun game! I love how you made the balls explode when they collide. Purposely destroying the red ones by getting them to crash into others felt extremely satisfying! I love how this was a reversal on both the perspective of golf and the win condition (avoid rather then get in)

Really fun game! I loved the variety of cars (although I mostly just used the racecar). I do like how the police car changed the colors of frogs too. If you made this level based I think it would have great potential as a mobile game!

Fun! I loved the art style of it! I'm not sure if my machine was having a problem or not but I couldn't hear any sound effects or music. Overall a fun idea! Would love to see it fleshed out further! 

Has potential as almost a DM simulator where you want to challenge your party to keep them engaged but not destroy them

(1 edit)

Really well done! The story was moving but I had some technical issues while playing:

  • I had a glitch at the 'Battle of Toren' that showed my son twice, one lived and the other died? 
  • I saw was that sometimes the smoke effects wouldn't show when units were fighting. 
  • Sometimes numbers would display as 1,5 instead of 1,500
  • When going for an 'always attack' run. After Kronhagen said he'd lead the attack the game soft-locked

Overall an excellent game about the cost of war and the value of life! One of my favorites so far from the jam! 

If you continue working on it, please add a 'fast forward' option for replaying the battles to speed up replaying and getting all the endings

I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the feedback!

The game was originally a lot harder (about twice the enemy count in each level). I'll play around with a  "New Game +" mode for the post-jam version.

Thank you so much for the suggestion!

I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the feedback!

I originally planned for the player to be able to find loot, crossbow, melee weapons, etc. I just ran out of time, I'll see if I can add some loot into the post-jam version.

Thank you so much for suggestion!

Hmm, short term probably just add a "tips" section to the jam page underneath controls. 

Long term (after the jam) I recommend a tutorial level for a hotel that is all on one screen( 3 or 4 floors), teach movement of the elevator, how to get people to unlock the door, etc).

Let me know when you have this fixed, I'd love to try it again!

Really fun visuals and I loved all of the parodies of classic indie games! As someone who's trying to market a game, this feels 100% accurate!

Beautiful looking game! I love the characters and the animation work done! 

I was able to get the spy in the elevator but couldn't get him to do anything on the floors I dropped him off at. The red doors never opened for him. Am I missing something?

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to reverse the hero's journey so instead of a hero starting weak and achieving great things you start powerful then end up weak and achieving not great things.

You're right, I think I have a really interesting idea but it is missing something. I might play around with a loot reward system for a post jam version.

Thanks for the great feedback!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This is a prequel to another game I made called "From the Ashes", I've been trying to link all of my projects into a shared universe of games since 2021!

There is a known bug where quickly toggling full screen / window mode causes the game to crash