Hi there! Thank you for sharing your game, I had fun with it!
I was really impressed by the visuals and UI! The menu looked really polished and I really really liked the CRT TV sort of look that the background had.
I also think that the game concept here is fun and fits the theme really well! Playing as the enemy was pretty neat. I think because of how the game was zoomed and how wide my screen is, it felt like I had a really short amount of time with each ship, which is something that I think would be cool to tweak! Like, if the screen was zoomed out a bit, I'd be able to get a enough time upon switching ships to get a feel of how the new one works.
I think the controls and firing of the player ships and the AI ship was really nice! The controls felt responsive and fair, which was definitely a win.
Just brainstorming other interesting ideas, I think when controlling the tiny ships, it could be cool to have 2 or 3 of them that sort of move as a unit. Not a critique, just an idea though!
One of the things that stands out to me the though is the level transitions. When the player ship is destroyed, the loading of the next level happens so fast that there isn't much feedback/reward for progressing. I don't think this took away from my enjoyment much, but I definitely wanted to mention it! I think having a 1 second timer about the player destroys could be beneficial before switching scenes.
All in all, I had a lot of fun with this, and I'm really impressed by how polished the controls and look of the game are. Great idea and I'd love to see what you work on next!
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