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A member registered Jul 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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I agree with you there! I noticed that new jobs were available around 4 seconds early and the timer glitches a bit during those 4 seconds.

Didn't take away from my play through too much though! I found myself waiting till like 6 seconds were left to accept job offers to minimize the extra investigation progress c:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your game, I had a lot of fun with it. I finally succeeded on my third play through. I think you did a really good job balancing the game, making it tricky enough to stay engaging. 

I was a really big fan of how you presented your info at the beginning and end. The key typing text was super neat and the sound effect along with it was nice too. That said, I really wish there were some option to skip the text. After my first and second try, I had to sit through it all again and its a just a bit long to watch more than once

I think you also did a great job with the different jobs and 'side quests' for the game. The text was goofy and added lots of personality to your game! I especially like end text where the detective gets all upset.

All in all, I had a good time, thanks!

Hi there, thanks for sharing! I have to say first that the animation for the sword swing is awesome! In fact, I really like all of the art that you used in your jam, great job! I think the music was nice and helped to create atmosphere, but I had to turn it down on my end since it was a little loud.

My only suggestion/criticism for the game is maybe to have some sort of info about the controls/rules? I was really stuck at first, as I tried simply moving into enemies thinking it would hurt them. I tried lots of buttons before finding the z & x, though in hindsight, those are pretty standard. Another concept I didn't (and to a certain extent, may still not) understand is when the people scream and the level resets. Is this when they touch the pink tiles, what are they? I think some text that appears on the first level to explain controls and on the level that had the pink tiles may be helpful to explain how to play.

That said, once I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed the game!! I think the concept is really neat and trying to defeat the enemies closest to the player is an exciting gameplay element. Also, I found myself really impressed and happy with the 'push back' spin the sword can do. This was my favorite mechanic, because it really supported the gameplay of crowd management and trying to keep the hero away from danger. Excellent job on that!! 

All in all, I think you have a really strong gameplay concept and I think you did a wonderful job executing the design. I'd suggest some tutorial text, but the art and gameplay were super fun!!

Hi there! Thank you for sharing your game, I had fun with it!

I was really impressed by the visuals and UI! The menu looked really polished and I really really liked the CRT TV sort of look that the background had. 

I also think that the game concept here is fun and fits the theme really well! Playing as the enemy was pretty neat. I think because of how the game was zoomed and how wide my screen is, it felt like I had a really short amount of time with each ship, which is something that I think would be cool to tweak! Like, if the screen was zoomed out a bit, I'd be able to get a enough time upon switching ships to get a feel of how the new one works.

I think the controls and firing of the player ships and the AI ship was really nice! The controls felt responsive and fair, which was definitely a win.

Just brainstorming other interesting ideas, I think when controlling the tiny ships, it could be cool to have 2 or 3 of them that sort of move as a unit. Not a critique, just an idea though!

One of the things that stands out to me the though is the level transitions. When the player ship is destroyed, the loading of the next level happens so fast that there isn't much feedback/reward for progressing. I don't think this took away from my enjoyment much, but I definitely wanted to mention it! I think having a 1 second timer about the player destroys could be beneficial before switching scenes.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this, and I'm really impressed by how polished the controls and look of the game are. Great idea and I'd love to see what you work on next!

Hi there, thank you for your response! After hearing about the pitchfork, I gave the game another try.

I feel like I still had some jittering issues, but overall the game ran better than before! I think I was getting stuck mainly because I didn't know I could lay eggs! I managed to move the pitchfork and get to the second level but got a little stuck because I wasn't sure how the eggs worked. I think my brain is just empty today after work, but it took me a bit to understand that the eggs were used to blow up.

I was confused as to why the scene kept restarting, but found out I was blowing myself up!! Oops..

Once I got that down, it was smooth sailing and I made it to the boss fight and got it after one failed try!

All in all, I think its really impressive how much functionality you were able to achieve in such a short time, thank you for sharing!

P.S. I think it was really clever how you handled the cutscenes. In my game, I really struggled with text on screen, but have a book that had several sections of text appear one after another was a great solution!!

Hey!! Thank you for sharing, I love the spooky vibes from this one.

I think the idea of running from the claw is definitely a really strong one, it reminded me a bit of Toy Story with the claw machine scenes. I'm really impressed with the visuals and audio here! The music was super groovy and felt true to the mood of the game, and the crane sound effects were spot on too. I really liked the lighting too and the crane itself felt well done, as the arm that attaches to the claw gives off an ominous feeling for sure.

While playing your game, I ran into a few snags that I wanted to mention here so you knew about them! There was one instance where the claw seemed to drop into the deposit bin and then disappeared. I think the score went up when it happened, maybe its a bug where the claw can be detected and had .queue_free() called on itself? 

I had two instances also where I accidentally flung the highlighted bear right under the camera such that I wasn't able to grab it anymore. It may have been due to my resolution, but may be a soft-lock sort of situation.

All in all, I'm impressed with what you got done in just one weekend! I think there's an impressive amount of polish here, and the details like having the light be mounted to the claw really added to the experience. I'd love to see what you make next!

I really like this! I think you did a wonderful job adding complexity to the cards, making the gameplay really engaging. This may already be present somewhere, but my main suggestion would be to explain the builds of the different 'enemies' so that the player knows what their strengths and weaknesses are (if there are any!). I found that the two enemies I put last were almost exclusively defense, so I wasn't able to defeat the dungeon crawler! 

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this, and I think you've got something here for a recipe of a really engaging game. Thanks!

Very nice game!! I am really impressed by how many mechanics you got so polished in such a short time. I really enjoy the variety that is seen just as you start to get the hang of the current set of enemies and obstacles. I'd be interested to see how the game felt if something like 3 lives was implemented. I'd be curious if the game would feel as good as it does now with such a set up. Also, I loved the art and design, your game looks very nice!

Thank you for sharing!

(1 edit)

Nice! One of my favorites today!

I really like the sprites used for the little guy and the skeletons!

Having more rare colors for the bones also worked well, but I found myself stalling until I could find a specific part I still needed, causing a lot of the while bones to build up over time

I had a lot of fun trying to get the different parts and evading the enemy, but after the first few skeletons, I found myself using the same strategies (using a chest to block the enemy while I opened it) to make progress. I think it could be interesting to introduce several, lower health enemies to up the difficulty and to introduce more 'wins' throughout one game.

Overall though, I think this is a solid concept and I saw lots of interesting dynamics come up naturally during play (like having a moment of reprieve when the skeleton is fighting to sort of sort through everything.) 

Great job!!

Lots of fun! I really enjoyed this concept, the music and difficulty made for a fun playthrough. I had a lot of trouble with the last level though, even with finding out that double jumps are possible, the first part of the level feels like I am spamming jump hoping to get past.

All in all though, I had a lot of fun, I'd love to see more levels too if you ever revisit this project!!

Wow, best game I've played so far today! I really liked the twist as playing as the asteroids.

I also really liked the cookie clicker style buy menu that allowed me to sort of snowball progress. The graphics and style are very enjoyable and the enemy AI is shockingly good! I liked that I had to avoid the player with the mouse or risk losing my points, sonic ring style.

One thing I will note (and this is completely understandable for a 48hr game), is the menu/settings. I didn't have any luck finding a menu to close out of the game or adjust settings, and I wish there was a setting for screen shake. Having every impact shake the screen was neat and immersive, but may be uncomfortable for a portion of your audience. 

All in all, really great game! I had a lot of fun with this and will likely return to play again c: 

Interesting concept!

I think the game looks very pretty, though I had issue with framerate running on my pc.

I had fun running away from the farmer, though I'm not sure what all I have to do. Once I got to the garden area, I wasnt sure where to go or if I needed to collect certain items.

All in all, great job for working within such a strict time limit!

Fantastic looking game! I like the idea of sending out the arrows instead of reacting to them.

One thing I noticed was that there wasn't necessarily a narrow window that I needed to send a specific note. After getting down the controls and learning to type to the beat, I found that you can press all arrows at once to sort of clear out everything (with the exception of the middle column)

Speaking of, I really like the added complexity of the middle column. Having to decide when to send that one out was really neat. I think adding more of a limitation of how often you can send them out may help to make the game more difficult.

Overall, really cool! Great job c:

Thanks for giving it a play!! That's definitely valid criticism, I agree that having the ships shoot more often would be a good change! 

And its odd to hear that the lower ship wasn't firing, thank you for bringing that to my attention. 

I think you did a great job with the levels and playing with the flashlight as lighting was spooky!

I liked the flashlight sound effect, but the scream sound effect was jarring for sure (mainly just volume). 

The phone was also a bit odd, is there a way to answer it? I noticed it kept going throughout the game.

The vibes were cool and it was definitely a good idea to have the player search for a weapon instead of going right for the pizza guys. Cool game!

I love the reversed role concept!

I wasn't able to download your file though :c

On both google chrome and opera gx, the download fails due to 'detected virus,' so they say.

I like the idea of your 'reversed role,' though from the description I was expecting a platformer sort of feel, lol. Upon launching the game, I almost gave up upon loading in, since I was having really bad framerate issues. I really like your options menu! Using it, I was able to set the settings to the lowest,  and that fixed the frames. 

The map itself was really nice, with lots of rooms and details that were fun to see. On my first play, I tried drinking every bottle I found, but the inverted controls were a bit too much for me personally. The process of picking up items was a little tedious, as you had to center the item exactly in the middle of the screen (no crosshair to help here, and the small items were particularly difficult) This gave me the most issues when I had inverted controls, trying to pick up a small item.

I was unable to complete the game after a few tries, I ran into these two issues: I couldn't access the gun from the bed when standing or crawling. Second, I wasn't sure what the requirements were for winning. Did I need all of the injury items, or intoxication, or both? After my first try, I only went for injury items, perhaps this is why I couldnt win? (does the gun have to be last then?)

The last thing I will note is that after the first limb came off, the injuries lost their comedic appeal for me personally. I thought it was funny at first, but once I was crawling on the ground, blood rushing out everywhere, I was a little uncomfortable. Most of the injury items were fine, but the razor blade and box cutter were two that specifically made me uneasy. I don't do super great with self-harm, so with these items  it felt less cartoony comical and more uneasy.

All in all though, I appreciate the effort you put into your game! I think its impressive you got so much done, and I hope you continue to make games in the future. I apologize if my criticism is harsh at all (I know making games is hard, let alone with a time limit like this!!)