I didn't know updating was not allowed and deleted my files (I wanted to update because an error was poping with some users, not to add functionality) Is it possible that I can reupload my files?
I think only the organizers could help you. If you used butler, maybe the previous versions were available, but I dont know if you can restore that during the jam.
For future reference, you could upload the game to gotm or something similar. That way the game is available to experience without the bug but the real submission unfortunately must contain all the bugs that come with the time limit and lack of testing. That is part of the challenge.
You can freely edit the webpage though, so you can upload it to gotm and link that to the itch page. That lets people play it until you can actually contact one of the admins.
Oh no! That's rough.
We don't let people do bug fixes after the jam ends, but we'll work something out. Do you have a copy of the game as you submitted it?
The only way to re-upload it is to remove it and we can help you upload again, which will clear your ratings. Don't worry too much about a few bugs, it's game jam and we know how hard it can be.
This will clear all of your current ratings though, just so you know. But I think that's the best solution, if you have the git backup of the submission.