With the ones you already have unlocked, you can always find a new spell and go on like that. With the flaming poster specifically, you need to burn it somehow, so you need to find a fire spell somewhere.
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Sounds about right. There are 10 random shouts and a 1 sec cooldown. You should try screaming at your screen in sync, it enhances the experience.
Neatest thing about the house is that the floorboards, the tiles in the bathroom and the fence outside are the same shader just with different parameters. That was fun to write.
Its sad that it is hard to gather an audience for a multiplayer game in a jam, because this is a very unique game. It reminded me a bit of We Were Here.
Ouija boards are definitely a very smart way to interact with the other player. Unfortunately we encountered some bugs, so we had to resort to voice chat in some cases.
So if I understand correctly, the intended way to play the game is to let the bat player talk to the ghost on voicechat, but the ghost can only communicate with the boards, right?
I really liked this game, thank you for submitting!
Is that pikmin red momma slug in your profile? Now I realize it looks a bit like the hydra in this pic: https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvMjA2OTQ5Ny8xMjE3NTA2MS5qcGc=/original/yx0bOg.jpg
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Buttons glowing is a nice idea, I didn’t think of that. In hindsight that is so obvious… Heads can drag the body very slowly, that can move the other heads. It is a mitigation, because it would be frustrating to not reach the button my a few mms. This way when that happens and you really try to reach for it, you can inch towards it slowly.
I fiddled a lot around with controls. The character is quite unconventional, so I did not have a lot to go on. There were many alternatives, but this one seemed the best. Do you have any suggestions what would have worked better?
Thanks for playing!
Very well done.
I could not really figure out what exactly made the bishop try to exorcise me, his appearances seemed a bit random. But it is a good choice to not make that a fail condition but a setback and an event. Makes it possible to work through your mistakes.
And by the way… Who invites a bishop to a party???
Very nice and unique game. I really like how you gave every item its own little story. Makes it feel so real. I’m the king of person who saves even nice packaging sometimes. I’m trying to keep things only that are really worth keeping and this game captured that feeling perfectly. It reminds me a bit of life is strange. Some similar vibes going through your stuff in your room.
I’m glad you managed to submit this despite the technical difficulties. It would have been a shame to miss it.
(Not a problem, I could play it with wine, but the linux version is missing the pck file.)
Thank you! I find it very easy and satisfying to work with godot. Sometimes there are limitations but most of the time there is either a workaround or a more advanced but difficult technique that you can use. I’m currently trying to improve performace by bunching up the jenga blocks. Its much more difficult than just instancing it a 1000 times but its a significant improvement.