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Joining two Jams?

A topic by Beliriel created Mar 10, 2020 Views: 322 Replies: 3
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I just discovered the Godot Engine and want to practice a little bit. However I'd also like to have a go at the Quarantine Jam which is in the same time frame. Is it possible or recommended that I join two Jams and when the Quarantine Jam is over I start on the Godot Jam, as the Godot Jam lasts longer?

(1 edit) (+1)

Better make one very good game than 2 half-good games.

You can be more ambitious when you have more experience and know your limits.


Unfortunately, we're an exclusive jam, so you wouldn't be able to submit the same game/project to this jam, but you can certainly participate in both!


Thanks that helps :D Cheers