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want to team up????(godot)

A topic by Dev Soham created Mar 01, 2021 Views: 384 Replies: 12
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Anyone wants to team up??? i use godot. I know the programming, but i need someone for doing better pixel art than me, or a sound designer coz do i suck in sound design!! if no, nevermind. 

I'm not the best at pixel art, though I am pretty proud of my pfp, but I could help with a little sound design :) I can do songs, background tracks, voiceovers, and sound effects.

I鈥檇 be interested in helping out with Sound Design and music composition!

oh, if thats the case, lets team up!! Dev 


oooo, ill take up the chance!

it doesnt work, is it right?

Didn't work for me either. I'mma check it out again tomorrow morning so I can actually stay awake


uhh guys i meant DevSoham#2242 or Dev Soham#2242

The one with a space worked, Dev Soham#2242 :)

Um, I do not want to toot my horn or anything but I make pretty good pixel art plus I am familiar with Godot. I sent a request on discord. trueauracoral#9612

I also can do 3d stuff.

hello, trueauracoral and broyster! I have invited you to a disord server in the game jams tab. I hope we do well!