Hello, everyone. I'm Whyms, the lead writer/narrative designer for the Hotel Ouroboros. I thought it'd be fun to make a community post talking about the game, some of the development, and just generally chatting. If you play and/or rate the game, feel free to speak up, and I'll be happy to get around to yours! (Do bear in mind I have a hard time playing .rar games, so please keep that in mind.)
I'd love to see what people's thoughts on the game are! Especially the writing/characters, since I'm sort of biased. Thanks to time constraints, the game is sort of buggy, but think of it as a proof of concept/demo for things to come.
You can find Hotel Ouroboros here:
Also, for funsies, enjoy this high quality fanart of one of the game characters I did in MS paint.
Followed by the music composer's high quality contribution to said fanart.