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Ja WizardmanView game page

A First-Person RPG unofficial continuation of the Ja Wizardman series
Submitted by Enygmatic — 1 day, 13 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
User Interface (UI/UX)#191.6502.333

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Developer Feedback Questions
FYI there is no save system, but if you die in the game you just spawn back at the start, you don't lose any progress.

Did the separate volume sliders help make the game more bearable? Were you hard blocked reaching any of the endings?

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Лучшая игра на этом джме, однозначно 5 звёзд!

Музыка в духе старой доброй Neverwinter Nights особенно атмосферна. 

Для озвучивания рекомендую использовать голосовых ботов apihost.


Hey thanks for playing! Also despite the opening title of the game, I am neither Russian nor know how to speak Russian so bear with me as I attempt to translate with google lol.

I never played Neverwinter Nights but I've heard good things about it, I basically just found a song (called "La Belle et La Capitaine") I used to play in band class that sounded similar to the music in Morrowind which was a big influence on this game. I think it is very atmospheric though, its good travel music for a fantasy game.

Never heard of apihost, probably because its a Russian site so wouldn't have popped up in search results, but next time I need text-to-speech I'll check it out. I don't plan to do anymore for this game since it would be quite time consuming and I have other more recent projects to focus on.

Thanks again for playing, and for the kind words!


Sorry if your logo - [загадочный циник] - was written in Russian. I thought it is an Easter Egg for "those who knows". Fun ^^ 

Yeah, apihost is our local. You can appraise the quality of voicing with my own Jam Entry. as it is used there too. Sounds great.


Ah, yeah I made my logo in Russian because I was originally planning to make the game feel like a foreign fan-made mod of the original Ja Wizardman game made by XCVG. Also why there's items like "Gamer Juice" in the game. I don't think it ended up feeling quite like that, but it does give an extra bit of a "so bad its good" janky feel I think.

If I have time I'll definitely make sure to try out your entry, sadly my free time is scant this week :(

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

You got an interesting game coming along there. Very subtle political commentary.

I really like the stamina bar... and the result if I over do the sprinting... *Timber!* Love it!

The UI was kind of funky... and that one window about my clothes stayed up once I opened the inventory.

The dialogue is very Kings Quest - lots of sarcasm, etc.


Hey thanks for playing!

Yeah the games basically fallout new vegas factions but set in the 2020 election (this game was made in the summer of 2020 so politics was kinda inescapable). I’ve noted it before but I personally think even though it’s very exaggerated and comical, the satirical angle and referential humour aged poorly in the sense that a lot of it is rather obtuse and confusing.

Originally the AI was going to work have a small stamina bar too, so both the player and enemies would be falling over constantly. I based the idea off my first experience with morrowind where I kept getting knocked down lol. So I’m happy someone else found it funny!

Oh the UI is absolute garbage, it was my first attempt at an inventory system beyond a simple DOOM style “do you have weapon 3 or not?” system. I like to think I improved since with my later projects lol.

Yeah the tooltip wasn’t set to close when you close the inventory screen. It’s a known bug, but since this game is basically just an extended jam game with a shaky foundation I don’t plan to update any further except in the case of players getting hard locked or the game doesn’t start. I actually only updated it again because I realized one of the endings was blocked when I was recording a playthrough of it.

I wasn’t directly inspired by kings quest, but I did intentionally make it very sarcastic and dumb. There’s no shortage of spelling errors as well I’m sure. This was made for the “So Bad It’s Good” game jam in 2020 so I think that part fit the bill pretty well.

Thanks again for trying it out and leaving feedback!