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A member registered Jul 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I always aim to exceed rock bottom expectations!

Out of curiosity what were the parts you found too difficult/too easy in the game?

Not a bad clicker game, though frankly clickers have never been my thing.

There isn't much to really comment on, my hand is sore and I stopped after about 5 minutes because I just don't have time to get to the goal.

I'm not sure this really qualifies as So Bad Its Good, outside of maybe the concept of selling Fortnite battlepasses as a lone person.

I think the game is lacking in sounds though, because there's just the one kinda chill background track.

Congrats on submitting!

This was pretty neat, I like the changing music and taking damage with the pipe drop sound effect was funny.

The gameplay was pretty simple for me at least, I decided to get myself killed aroun 650,000 points because I felt like I had seen most of what the game has to offer. Maybe I'm wrong and there's a lot more but this is the last hour of the voting period lol.

Out of curiosity can the little flaoting objects be collected or run into? Or are those just background detail due to being in a space ship?

This was a decent chill game with some fun audio play, good work!

I was excited to play this one, a janky firefighter simulator is a great idea!

In playing it though, I think it was a bit TOO janky. For starters making a multiplayer game is commendable for SBIG, though frankly I think that part should've been axed and more focus put on the actual gameplay.

I can seemingly only pick up people if they're facing upright, but I can't really just easily yeet them to the safe zone because they very easily clip through the fire engine and off the map. That being said, the yeeting itself is fun!

I also liked being able to smack down the doors with the axe, I don't know if it was intentional but the first time I chopped a door down my character did a sort of spin move to do it which was hilarious.

As far as I can tell the firehose doesn't work which is unfortunate. And seemingly the little meter at the bottom is also non-functional?

This was a great concept, just held back by some bugs and I honestly think some misplaced effort.

Still a fun experience though, good work!

Another short but sweet game, I enjoyed it!

Running through a large forest as a t-posing chicken is oddly compelling, maybe I've just been secretly wanting more forests in my SBIG games lol.

The gameplay is simple, but kinda fun being able to bunny hop off a mountain while cubes shoot at you. It's very thin, but because it's so short I think it works fine.

The music is really neat and heightens the excitement, though I do wish there were more sound effects.

Good work!

Wow, the first "cumlike" I've played in SBIG. This was uh.... something.

Graphically I love the cursed indie-horror-dream-emulator atmosphere, I REALLY wish there was some sound though because this game would've been perfect for some weird sound design!

Admittedly some of the humour wasn't exactly my taste, but that cums comes with the territory of the genre.

Also I think this is the first nextbot we've seen in SBIG, so congrats on that record lol.

I sadly didn't find more than 4 sperms, I did notice the option to coom at the condom graves but nothing happened, maybe I needed to collect sperm first..... Well that wasn't a sentence I expected to write this year.

Good work!

This was some SBIG goodness, I loved it!

The graphics are perfectly janky, the cartoony sound effects are great and they make bonking enemies really satisfying! I do think they could be a bit more excessive though, but still very good stuff.

I like the game doesn't overstay its welcome, for what's here there's enough variety to keep it going. IRL stuff happening during the jam is understandable so it's good you managed to submit. There are some neat ideas implemented like having to collect multiple items to restore hit points, and I only managed to get the powerup damage once but it was a fun little mechanic!

Excellent work!

Thanks for playing!

The gunplay turned out far better than I actually intended, but following the tutorial I was using for weapon sway it was easier to make it good than bad lol. I’m glad you liked the slow-mo, I had a more complicated idea initially but decided that just having time slow down when aiming was the both the easiest and most enjoyable option. Regarding the difficulty I’ve seen some mixed opinion on it, some players found it too easy and just blitzed through it, others found it brutal and died multiple times. I’ll discuss it during my postmortem but I THINK it’s due to the game not properly demonstrating how the dodge roll mechanics work.

The general flow of the game I wanted to keep stupid and changing, so I’m glad you liked it! The house especially was fun to setup.

The pause menu not pausing was intentional so the player could still hear the audio properly. But really I should figure out someway to work around that. The getting stuck on level geometry seems to be an issue multiple people hit, in hindsight I probably should have allowed players to roll THROUGH enemies.

I swear to god next year I need to make a smaller game so I can finish on time 😓. Thanks again for playing and leaving the feedback! And allowing me to submit late!

This was really neat, I loved how the player literally rolled around and all the barriers are individual notes.

The puzzles were simple yet made me think a little bit, and I don't know if it was intentional but there was one point I was able to slide the blocks through a wall lol.

The various "moves" were neat, I especially liked the "Ur Ned" line! And they played well with the little Simon Says puzzles.

Oh, and the ending was very funny!

Excellent work!

WOW what a tour de force of "so bad its good"-ness!

This was one of my favourite entries this year, the graphics, sound, cutscenes and world ooze SBIG energy. The player character design is also incredibly cute, it's like a Smiling Friends background creature.

My only real complaint is just how LONG the game can be, and how little tutorializing there is. It took me a while just to figure out the proper gameplay loop to actually progress, so I spent a fair bit of time trying to dodge everything in the fishing minigame and trying to race to the bottom.

Once I did figure it out, the game became much more interesting, and flying around the islands in my super fast boat with highly responsive fishing hook handling felt great!

Also I liked seeing Gordon Freeman outside the boundary.

Excellent work!

Thanks for playing, and the feedback!

Yeah the gun physics I got from a great tutorial, this one to be exact: 

I didn't intend on making it feel so nice, but with this video it was so easy there was no reason not to.

Yeah there are definitely some dead zones, the price of doing my level design at the last minute I guess. The walking can be sped up a bit by rolling, though not by much. The ducks being a random threat is admittedly an interesting idea. I avoided using them at the same time as other enemies though because I found I was usually having to reload or was facing down to aim at the wolves, so I kept getting hit by the ducks without much chance to avoid them.

The lag is a browser only thing in my experience, that and the lighting is why I strongly recommend the downloadable version for anyone who has windows. My last Godot game has the same problem, I'm planning to investigate how to optimize that once the jam is over. Might not be able to implement it in this game, but hopefully should be able to for my next one.

Thanks again for the feedback, "so bad it's good" is what I was aiming for!

"smartly" might be a very loose term for my design but I appreciate it, thanks for playing!

Thanks! Making the sound effects was fun, and I was giggling to myself when I tested the rolling animation so I'm glad you liked it too!

Lmao, thanks for playing!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

Well I cooked the fish, can't ask for much more than that!

I loved the sound effects, the gameplay was simple enough to learn quickly, felt like I was playing a cursed version of a mobile game ad.

I also loved the fact that the bottom of the ocean is the sky box, beautiful touch.

Great work!

This is a cool looking game, though tbh I don't think I fully understand the gameplay mechanics. It seems like whenever I get close to killing the skeleton he fully heals and then kills me?

In any case, this is pretty good for a first game, the graphics and UI look nice, you got some sound effects working, and most importantly you finished making something!

Good job!

I think I made it to the end, and man this game has some really cool stuff but I think it suffers terribly from relying on references (which to be fair is something I've been guilty of too).

For starters, as someone who is unfamiliar with both Undertale and Plants vs. Zombies, figuring out what I was supposed to do for both those levels was a bit rough. I tried clicking on the buttons in the Undertale section and they did nothing, and though I figured out what I was supposed to do, dodging all the obstacles was quite the gauntlet. And with the Plants vs Zombies level I didn't know what each plant type did so it was trial and error for a bit, but failing in that level is very time consuming as there's no "restart level" button. I just had to kinda wait there for a minute as a zombie slowly walked across the screen.

While these were pretty interesting levels, and I imagine really cool for fans of either game, it was really disorienting for newcomers. The pong section was fun, I imagine it wouldn't suffer from the same lack of familiarity as the other sections. Didn't for me anyways.

Aside from that, I like the concept of a game falling apart, and the visuals were all well done.

Good work!

For a floppy bird clone this was surprisingly fun!

The pausing mechanic was neat, the artstyle is hilarious, and the music in the background is fitting.

I didn't manage to beat it sadly as I couldn't get past that one gauntlet level where you start on top of the enemy.

I liked what I played though, good work!

Now THIS was some "So Bad It's Good" goodness!

The visuals are perfectly crappy, the story is stupid and silly, the voice acting is whatever the hell it is. I particularly liked ASMR Jigsaw. The cutscenes were some of the best I've seen in the jam!

The platforming could get a bit tedious for me though, especially since there's no checkpoints in a level. If I had died near the end of the final level I think I would've called it quits.

I did like that you added an option for a speedrun timer and various extras for completing the game in various ways. I have no intention of 100% ing them but I appreciate the extra effort.

Excellent work!

Well I thought I had seen pretty much everything, but after reading the other comments it seems I saw less than half the game.

I got through the horror section which I thought was both spooky at points and funny. And then I got to the shop part, and I fumbled with the controls for a little bit. Once I figured out how it worked, the game basically dead stopped, because T-posing NPC's were blocking the doorway and wouldn't move. So no one moved in or out regardless of where I placed items. I didn't even know it was possible to go outside so I assumed you ran out of time and the game was unfinished.

From the other comments thats seemingly not the case, or at least theres more to it than I saw.

Of the stuff I did see, I liked it for the first part, but then it became completely broken after that.

Good work on the beginning part though!

I made it to wave 11, and frankly I'm surprised I managed to survive that long lol.

The gamplay style is kinda neat, reminds me of playing old survival shooter flash games back in the 2000's.

The vanishing enemy and the slowly crawling zombies are neat. The ghosts were interesting but never figured out how to damage them if that's even possible.

Generating magazines was an interesting idea, unfortunately with the RNG I never got any decent regeneration buffs, so I died once I was unable to reload on wave 11.

This was a fun game though, good work!

I should preface my comment by saying I'm usually not a big fan of platformers, probably because I usually suck at them. But I'm especially not a fan of frustrating platformers in jams, so this was already not going to be a game for me.

There's a lot to like, the graphics and audio are nice, and I like the detail of being bale to use your own corpse for a platform to jump on. But I just don't find much joy in repeatedly dying and starting over. The changing controls I think fall under being "so bad its good", but for me the overall loop falls kinda flat.

The game is well put together for an intentionally frustrating game, it's just not for me.

Good work!

Wow this was short, simple and really sweet!

It took me a couple seconds to figure out what was going on, though that was mostly because I didn't click in the window properly at first.

I like the visuals and sound effects, and the gameplay itself despite only having 3 inputs and not even really an enemy is surprisingly engaging.

I also like how the health bar is the trumpet keys being pressed down!

I only ever managed a high score of 10 so I'm not that good at it, but I really don't have many notes. A high score leaderboard as someone else mentioned might be nice, but it doesn't feel sorely lacking without one.

This was nice, great work!

I appreciate the full response!

I kinda assumed some of them were just left the way they were due to time, and some just kinda slip the mind. I've had both happen to me too.

Balancing is a hard thing in a jam, I mean I've had people say my games are either too easy or way too difficult.

In any case I'm excited to see what you come up with next time!

Ok this is WAAAAY to polished to be So Bad Its Good lol. Of course if I had to choose between a game being too good to be SBIG or too bad, I'd choose the former.

The movement is really polished, and combat feels very juicy! Especially being able to juggle the enemies in air. However I'm not too good at either, so I didn't make it past the first enemy encounter 😅

If there had been a checkpoint right before that first enemy encounter I'd keep trying, but having to restart the whole game multiple times was too much. And I saw in the description you focused on making the game frustrating by design, which imo is the least enjoyable type of SBIG game. Mind you I never liked frustrating games much to begin with so that's just me.

But finishing what you did in just 9 days is incredibly impressive! And it's definitely the most polished SBIOG entry I've ever played!

Excellent work!

I was really excited to play this one after seeing the footage of it in development on discord. And while I really liked the final product it does have some flaws I feel I should point out. And it should be noted I only mention these because they're the same flaws my games have had (or have tbh), and I've submitted now 4 FPS games to SBIG. I don't expect all of these to have been addressed, but just suggestions for future FPS games if you do any.

  • The players main weapon is projectile based and has bullet spread, but the enemy projectiles for the most part have zero spread. This is especially noticeable with the flying enemies and turrets, but it's annoying because it feels like even if leading your shots it's hard to get a hit on enemies at a medium distance. And with the turrets there's a hard limit on how close you can get to them since they're on the ceiling. I've come to vastly prefer the Halo method of the player having hitscan weapons that may or may not have bullet spread, and enemies have slower moving projectile weapons that the player can dodge if they're moving. And it felt to me like I was dodging 1 out of 10 shots even at full speed.
  • Enemy explosive projectiles are very hard to see, in fact I rarely ever see them before I hear/feel the explosion.
  • The rocket launcher having bullet drop, but also splash damage is a bit much. It felt like the rocket launcher did more damage to me at times than enemies. I suspect this is the reason why the launcher doesn't do more damage to enemies. Or at least, splash damage affecting the player is why the rocket launcher in my game doesn't do more damage lol.
  • The reloading of the weapons, specifically the SMG are a bit too slow. And also something I discovered is the shooting flows much better if you have the weapons automatically reload if the player tries to fire while the gun is empty.
  • There should probably be more health pickups in the combat areas, I had to finish the game on baby mode because I died so quickly. This is something I discovered to be an issue in my game as well.
  • The damage feedback on enemies could be improved, while I can tell if I'm hitting them with the machine gun from the impact noises, it's hard to tell how damaged they are. Maybe some smoke coming off them at half health could do the trick. This wouldn't be an issue if they went down in a few shots, but their high health combined with poor accuracy of the weapons, at times I found myself dumping two clips into some enemies.
  • Turning is really awkward and slow, a great addition (to the frankly already pretty extensive movement logic) would be a power brake of some sort. Like holding spacebar brings the palyer to a screeching halt and allows for faster turns or something like that.
  • The unalive command specifically (though frankly all the controls) should be placed in-game somehow, even if just in the pause menu. Because I didn't know I could get past the Roller enemy that blocked me into a shipping container.

But back to the positives because there's also a lot to like!

The enemy variety is pretty nice, you have stationary turrets, flying enemies, tanks with  multiple weapon types, and an even tankier roller enemy that just barrels towards the player. You have two distinct weapon types, in-game lore, and in one case even a non-violent solution to an enemy (which I discovered before even seeing the enemy)! Also that ending cutscene had some really nice "So Bad It's Good" energy!

I also liked all the little details like the newspaper in the beginning, the actually rolling wheels on the wheelchair, the in-world radios playing music, all of that was awesome!

There's some great stuff here, just a bit warped by awkward controls and difficulty.

Great work overall though!

This was pretty neat, I like the concept of using all the different instruments to fight off enemies. Though admittedly the controls are a bit cumbersome on PC, and I found sometimes the attacks had no effect on enemies?

There was simply too many enemies for me to get through so I had to call it quits eventually. I liked what I played though, blasting enemies back wtih multiple instruments at once was fun!

Good work!

This game weirdly reminded me of the old top down games 3kilksphillip made in his youth.

There's some neat stuff like the multiple weapon types, the noise level indicator (though I don't know if it actually does anything to the AI), being able to rescue NPCs from cars and blockaded rooms, and seemingly having an AI companion follow you around with a bat? I don't know but I like that last one, its janky and they have spirit.

The graphics I think were fitting for a SBIG game, programmer art I find is kinda the sweet spot for visuals.

As for the gameplay itself I don't like how slow turning the player character is, and that attacks are based on where the character is facing and not the cursor direction.

I'm also not sure if there's some set objective, or if its just unfinished and the player can basically just re-enter the elderly wasteland to shoot its inhabitants infinitely. I stopped after I cleared it the first time and felt I got the jist of whats there.

The sound effects were quite good, the crusty "THANK YOU" near the end from one of the citizens surprised me though lol.

I enjoyed what I played, I just wished there was some defined end goals.

Excellent work!

Stylistically I liked this one, but the movement is a bit too janky.  Like it seemed for some of the speakers there was little to no options for avoiding the projectiles in the more cramped areas.

The visuals were decent for a SBIG game, though the lack of an attack animation is kinda unfortunate. The overly noisy footstep sounds I thought were funny, and the various songs being played were fitting.

For a first game jam this isn't a bad effort, the game runs well enough, and there'sa defined fail state. Though admittedly a "Restart" button on the death screen, or even just having the game automatically restart would be nice rather than having to close and manually relaunch the game. Though that's the kind of stuff you start adding to games over time as you learn and improve, and for SBIG it's not the worst thing.

Good job!

I really liked this one, giving the robo voiced customers their orders of massive vegetables while random conspiracy theorists and trolls try to stop you is a hilarious game loop.

Sadly though I wasn't able to get too far in, one of the intruders somehoe got on my head and the way the physics were working he prevented me from moving at all so I failed 😭

I liked what I played though, great work!

I achieved the ultimate boombox!

To be honest I was never a fan of Vampire Survivors, but thankfully this one was short and sweet so it was good.

On a technical issue I do agree with other comments saying the rapid upgrades do make the game a bit too easy, but as I said before I don't mind playing a short Vampire Survivors clone. And with so many entries this year I appreciate short ones just generally.

Also I agree with comments saying some background music would be good.

Overall though, great work!

I like the concept, but I agree with the other comments saying there's too many ingredients coming too fast. And sometimes it was hard to discern ingredients apart by name.

On ths positives side, I like the little robot rapper, and the music was pretty good. I also think the graphics are perfectly fitting for a SBIG game!

It gets too chaotic too quickly, but it was still pretty fun. Good work!

I opened the jam rating page and thought "What the hell is this?"

Then I opened the game page and thought "What the hell is this?"

Then I played the browser build and thought "What the hell is this?"

Then I won and thought "What the hell was that?"

It feels like a shitpost through and through, I don't think I've ever encountered anything this DENSE in SBIG before.

I had no idea what was going on or what I was doing at any point, so this is either amazing or horrible.

Congrats on getting this all to work in Scratch. Good job!

This was really cool, but also a bit confusing mechanics wise.

I loved the art, I like the sounds, the reloading visuals are REALLY cool. Almost to the point they might be too good for this jam. The multiple ammo types are a cool idea, and I like the concept of having to cook recipes to get different ammo types, but I didn't actually have to cook to get ammo? And some of the ammo types seemed useless, specifically that bubbly one.

The ammo types that did have an effect though I thought were cool. Like the water ammo that would kill the fire enemies, but have no effect on stone enemies and then grow the water and wooden enemies. That was REALLY neat.

But I also had no idea how long a wave was, it felt almost longer than some jam entries. I think I got to wave 3 before I had to stop. And also I noticed there's no way to heal?

Overall there's a lot of impressive stuff for just one weeks work, even with a team, but it felt more unfinished cute game than a "so bad its good" game. Though I did appreciate the sound work had some SBIG energy to it, especially the "I can't believe you've done this" meme.

Good work! Hopefully this is spun off into a more finished project someday!

I sadly wasn't able to beat this one, I think I made it to the final boss but I just couldn't finish it off.

There was some very solid "so bad its good" stuff in this though, which is impressive for a first video game! And props for implementing multiple endings, I frankly gave up on trying to implement those in jams years ago because I found almost no one went to the effort of replaying.

The gameplay itself was kinda interesting, it was neat seeing another game with a dodge roll mechanics. Though frankly I wish I could roll up and down rather than just horizontally.

The healing by standing still worked for me, but it was hard to tell at first. My recommendation would be to have the player hold down Q and have some little whirring sound and small visual effect play. As it is I wasn't convinced pressing Q did anything the first couple tries.

I sadly didn't reach an ending, but this was a solid SBIG entry, good work!

Well that was certainly some kind of adventure! I think this has the record for the most sidequests and voiced characters in a SBIG entry.

There really wasn't much to the gameplay, it wasn't frustrating though there were some pain points. Specifically I found it annoying navigating the forest looking for non-blocked paths. Some looked clear but weren't, while more narrow pathways between trees were perfectly navigable. The movement speed could also stand to be increased, or at least given a sprint option. And the dialogues were unskippable and always seemed to last just a second too long, which made the repeasted talking to NPCs a bit more rough than I think it should have been.

on the positives though, a lot of so bad its good voice acting, a wide variety of characters (I think Barrack Jose is one of my favourites), and a fairly detailed level all add up to an interesting end product.

Plus I always love seeing callbacks to previous SBIG games, so seeing spirit elf here was nice. Good work!

I like this one, but it's far too vague with how the player is doing and WHAT they're doing.

Though trial and error I can roughly figure out the sliders, but sometimes the effect changes feel either too little or too much for one increment change.

And even when I thought I was getting something decent sounding I still got fired. Maybe something like a record exec or producer sitting in the chair and smiling/frowning depending on how good/bad the mix currently is would help. And some timer on screen to indicate how much time is left.

There's a solid idea here, and some almost too good for SBIG art, but it's being hamstrung by confusing gameplay.

Still there's some quality stuff on display here, good work!

I liked this as a cute little game. I like the extra obstacles and sounds thrown in to throw the player off and prevent them from spamming the catch key.

The art is nice, though admittedly I think the UI could've been 2-3 times as fast and it would've made the game much more enjoyable.

I'm not sure if the game totally qualifies as so bad its good to me though, I mean the sound does, but that art feels more "cute" than "bad" in a way. It's hard to describe exactly.

Overall though I finished it and enjoyed it, good work!

I actually like the gameplay concept in this one, but I think it's just way too fast-paced and a bit too clunky in its current form.

It felt like everytime I had managed to focus and get one customer their order, another two had entered the store. I also think the ability to click on customers to show them on the clipboard would be a great QOL addition. I also would've preferred a larger and more "clicky" UI for selecting the items, like some sound effect play for adding/removing items. I guess I just felt it was missing feedback.

I did like the little graphics and the mouth sound effects for everything to indicate the customers desires.

All in all a neat idea, nice art and sound, but the pacing and controls need some work. For a first time jam though this was a pretty good start. Good job!