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will backtrace work with godot?

A topic by Teemolert created May 20, 2021 Views: 491 Replies: 5
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the question is in the title, thanks.

(Sorry for the delay here) Unfortunately, Backtrace does not currently have an SDK for Godot.  Though it is definitely something we are considering in the future!


I managed to get it sort of working with Godot Mono! Just follow the general C# integration guide and then hook your client up to Godot's global exception handler like this:

GD.UnhandledException += (sender, args) => {
  backtraceClient.Send(new BacktraceReport(args.Exception));

It probably isn't as helpful as a full integration since you'll lose the stack trace whenever execution goes into Godot's native C++ code, but you'll still be able to log any exceptions that happen in your C# game logic.

Hey, do you think it's enough to be in the game jam rules?


It was enough for their last jam!

very cool and thanks for sharing! We’d love to work with the community after the gamejam to add more official support for godot in our GitHub repo. 
If you happen to be a bit more adventurous, we have native crash reporting libraries for OSes like Android, iOS, Windows and Windows, which could be used to capture native c++ errors.