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Backtrace Integration:

A topic by Justin123089 created Jun 23, 2021 Views: 206 Replies: 3
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What exactly is this I tried understanding it in the description but still do not get it?

Hi Justin - 

Please follow steps below, to Integrate with Backtrace:

  1. Sign up for our free developer tier.
  2. Follow instructions  on how to integrate with Backtrace
  3. Quick How to Integrate Videos

Hi Justin123089,

Backtrace is an error reporting tool that captures exceptions, crashes, hangs, or OOM errors that your players may encounter when playing your game. It’s like Crashlytics or Unity Cloud Diagnostics, but with more data capture, a really flexible database, and an insightful web-based post-mortum debugger. 

Hope that helps!


yes, it does and got it running.