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2D artists looking for a team (already found the team)

A topic by Cheeru9 created Mar 22, 2023 Views: 198 Replies: 4
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Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Me and my friend looking for a team to participate in the jam, we are both 2d artists working in Photoshop, I had some experience in jams before 

There is my page:

And some more of my works:

You can contact me by discord: Cheeru#4159

(not relevant)

Hey! Pretty Neat stuff you have going! Good luck in all your works


Thanks buddy ^^! good luck you too

(1 edit)

Hi I make games in Godot, and I am will to team up. I can only make a small scale game right know as schools about to start up again and I have only made 2 games. mrying#9218

Please Join my team I know Unity well (i am bad at art)