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Jam Theme

A topic by Jess Molloy created Jan 28, 2020 Views: 293 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 9

Do we know what time the theme will be announced for this jam? :-) 


The theme   will be announced  when the jam starts!

Perfect, thank you! 

Cube theme? I’m down I suppose.

What does cube theme mean?


It can mean whatever you want!   The theme is there more for inspiration , not as much a  constraint really!

So the theme is simply, "cube", then? I'll try to come up with something. xD

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I’ll be honest, having a hard time on this one haha.

Edit: Came up with something juicy. More puzzle games but I always find a way to fit that into a jam.

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Wow! A whole section of cube games!