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A member registered Jan 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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It can mean whatever you want!   The theme is there more for inspiration , not as much a  constraint really!

Sadly since this is only the second gamejam i've created I havent made a discord server for it. Maybe in the future though!

The theme   will be announced  when the jam starts!

That's great to hear since I tried to focus on the design and giving the game have a nice aesthetic! Sadly because of that I didn't have any time to add sound effects or more levels. At least that's   something to work on in the future!

Thank you!! I wasn't   sure about the health points either, so I might consider altering them so they work better within the game or just remove them completly.

Thanks!! I tried faking the coyote time youre talking about by making the platforms colliders a bit wider since implementing actual   coyote time would have taken to long. But thanks for the tip, i'll think about it!

Thanks for the feedback! I know there are still quite some problems with the game, I'll see wich ones I can fix!

Thanks! And yeah, I agree! But sadly I ran out of time.

Thanks, that was what I was aiming for!