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A topic by Literally A God created May 08, 2018 Views: 680 Replies: 10
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Host (1 edit)

Ask away ask away! I should be able to answer ANY question ya got! Unless it doesn't have to do with the Jam..

Do you have a twitter handle?

Is there, or will there be a discord for the game jam? I really enjoy talking to other devs during a game jam.


I'll see to it!


Here's the link! I'll be putting it on the main page as well

Hopefully I'll be able to join,

Can we use existing code and assets? For a project like this, I'd definitely want to use InControl, probably Corgi as well.  I probably have a few code snippets from old projects that could be transferred over.


You may

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for my English - it's terrible and I use Google Translate :) I have 1 question and 1 clarification ... 

Question: What engines are available for this jam? Unity? Unreal? CryEngine? GameMaker? All the engines of the world? 

Сlarification: Did I understand correctly that I can use ALL available Open Source add-ons (music, graphics, FX, etc)?

Thank you in advance for your reply and I am apologize for my English :)

Original Text:

Здравствуйте, господа и дамы. Прошу прощения за мой английский - он ужасен и я использую Google Translate :) У меня есть 1 вопрос и 1 уточнение... 

Вопрос: Какие движки доступны для данного джема? Unity? Unreal? CryEngine? GameMaker? Все движки мира? 

Уточнение: Правильно ли я понял, что могу использовать ВСЕ доступные Open Source дополнения (музыку, графику, FX, и др)?

Заранее спасибо за ответ, и я прошу прощения за мой английский :)


Question: Any engine is fine

Clarification: Yes! :)

Hi do all the games have to be downloadable or can they be online e.g : HTML5 games


Sorry for the late response,  it can be downloadable or online, doesn't matter to us.