Hey guys how's going your game?
Hello. Thought this jam would be a good opportunity to test run a .net library I started making recently and to get a better idea of what features it needs. I picked an oldschool 2D RPG tiles graphics style (with one-bit sprites asset) and wanted to do the engine from scratch using MonoGame, but upon realizing I have no experience in building a web build with MonoGame I went with Unity instead. I didn't want to use built-in 2D stuff, so there I was procedurally generating a 2D grid made of one mesh without joined vertices so each tile could update its graphics by manipulating the UV coordinates. Eventually, I was able to display letters and any other sprite I map from the sheet.
That describes Friday. Having realized that manipulating mesh's UVs is too slow (with this number of vertices), I now have to learn how to write a shader that does the same thing, in hopes that it will work faster. So I don't know if my submission will be done for the deadline, but at least there is some learning going on.
Hi there! I hope you and your game are doing good ^-^
So far so good, it has been an adventure!
I've never participated in a 48 hour game jam and Day 1 was almost completely ruined by real life struggles but in the end I worked it out (even though I broke my code 3 times and had to redo everything haha) ( ´∀`)
I'm also very happy I finally left my comfort zone and choose to make a type of game I've never made before (a mini clicker game) and without any tutorials. I've just finished and submitted it since I wont have more time to keep working on it... I left a ton of stuff out of it not because of the limitations, but just because I thought the ideas were bad and/or too buggy to be in the prototype < (^^,) >
Overall, I hope my rushed final version is a little decent ≧◡≦