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A member registered Sep 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hi, this felt very good to play, but I handed the spoon to Kog while he was in a different room (kitchen) and it disappeared forever, looks like something that should be patched.

Thanks for playing! I'm also not happy with the amount of content, but with most drawings and animations being unique to only one room, +programming tasks (big factor), +I'm not really experienced with pixel art, corners had to be cut. And harder puzzles would make things more interesting, but for a jam game that usually means I'd end up drawing scenes that only the most puzzle-loving players would see, not a good return on effort for a solo dev, so I went with more of a walker. Still, admittedly there are places where I could have done a better job despite the limitations.

Excellent take on life of a mimic as a puzzle. I ended up unable to solve the one with a warrior by the door on the top left and a mage in the bottom right due to insufficient IQ but it was quite enjoyable to get at least that far. Animations are satisfactory and music is awesome.

Good: graphics, music, animated intro, bosses, simple controls, relatable story (the same thing happened to me this morning). Not great: sad I can't progress due to the crazy spawning bug at 2nd boss. Also, the parallax scrolling seems inverted, but it's still pretty and I guess can be justified because "magical forest".

Cool, someone should make a movie out of this. 
I was definitely surprised by the amount of stuff you managed to get in, and the gameplay style felt fresh. It's not great that enemies appear from forward so 90% of the time you can't enjoy a good view of them, but that's not much of a problem. Three-lives-then-restart is cruel but at least we get rewarded with a cut scene. But, somehow on the second play I managed to beat it without losing a single life, so it's ok. Solid entry that provided some entertainment.

The cat actually fixing the mess is comedy gold. Nice minimal entry.

So cool, I did not expect to see a proper castle builder in this jam, and with such authentic graphics. Building stops working after a few nights but still very cool idea. Night/day cycle and music are good atmosphere boosters.

(1 edit)

Well, there is a part that say "...some people see it as a hard rule where if your game isn't perfectly 64x64 or less, or has sub-pixels going on..." - entirely subjective, but idk how else to rate, otherwise it would be auto 5 stars for everyone.

Everyone has their own understanding of authenticity so don't take anything I say for granted, and I could be wrong. There is some modern feel here like transparency in the background (or I only imagine that's what it was), and I think that movements of objects were smooth (not locked to pixel grid) but I could be hallucinating and who cares anyway.

I think you have been inspired by the legend of Chiron, or it is one hell of a coincidence. Solved it in one go (well, "solved"). It is pretty imaginative use of the theme, gameplay was simple enough to be enjoyable, and the dialogues (especially at the end) were funny.

I can hardly believe I won, the white monkey before the boss has killed me so many times. Anyway, this is definitely outstanding in terms of gameplay. It made me keep retrying but not in a forced way, I wanted to see all the monkeys there are, but also to get good at this novel and fun yet unfair gameplay. Sound&graphics are great too (and I don't think you can draw a better primate at this resolution and scale), if only lacking a bit in terms of authenticity.

And, I can see the symbolism behind throwing bananas into the light, for we must all strive to... Oh, it's about redistributing hoarded bananas? Hmm, ok, fair enough.

A proper experimental jam game, love it. The act of popping the enemies flows well into the act of collecting gems. It's good that corners of the goals are forgiving, otherwise it would be annoying. You made almost no mistakes with this one. Though, enemies spawning in my face I could live without.

Never played NMS. Has no effect on the game but seems a bit too much when reading the list of controls before playing. For example, make camp/enter ship could be the same button but context aware. Then there is tab for inventory that I don't remember has much use, and space for jumping that I also never found reason to use, though I might be missing something.

This is great, what I like the most is gorgeour background, variety in enemies, and that it was simple 4-directional movement. I was gonna say just gliding along the left edge of the screen works all the time, but then at later levels a wave of those round hunters would get me.

It was fun, and congrats on an original concept. I couldn't get more than 50 leaves as the challenge gets quite frantic.

Excellent graphics, the choice of colors in particular. The game takes a long time to get challenging but then it sure does. I think the difficulty should increase much faster to inspire replayability, as it is I didn't feel like playing again as it would be 5 minutes of easy.

Well, I sure moved the earth to help that rabbit get the carrot. The game was not super hard as even I managed to solve it, which is a good thing for a jam game. Tbh I wouldn't be able to figure out the bird without reading the comments. Some levels felt very dramatic, there is a preparation phase and timing, like preparing for a space launch. The music when rabbit dies is very touching, in a non-conventional way, feels more like reminder of the fleeting nature of existence than a single rabbit's tragedy, but it's very fitting . In any case, very good entry.

Great atmosphere, starting from the main menu. Inventory management is confusing but at the same time it is not, takes but a few seconds of experimentation to get used to. First play I was fighting skeleton archer for like full 2-3 minutes before getting owned, on second playthrough I referenced the item sheet and became badass with a crown and helbard, it sure regretted meeting me again. The main boss is too easy once you gear up, which was a bit of a letdown, but it was fun in overall, good job.

It is very pretty game with a cool original idea. I don't see the challenge as it is pretty obvious whether something is on the left or right (got 950 score with 475 pillars on the first try, and the failure was more about playing the move ahead of animation than decision-making). Still, it is the best meditative toy I've seen so far in this jam.

It was cool to get to play the most enjoyable aspect of the Elite (which is really just flying) in a 64x64 browser game. A nice detail that space station's relative rotation in "3d" docking view is the same as in top-down. Charting the flight is enjoyable once you see it as applied vector math. There is not a lot to do, but you scoped the game well enough to not die making it in time, and it was fun to play it for a while.

Ehh I was looking forward to a space mining game but the amount and power of the enemies and the glitches feature ruined it for me. I'm not the one to advocate for easy games, but this felt like being trolled all the time. The general mood/graphics/sound is great, too bad I couldn't get into it after 10+ retries. As I see others have found fun and the issue is probably with me I will not rate the game.

(2 edits)

Hi, some tips please? It seems the first orb is in a place where I need to jump over the land, but jumping even remotely that high seems impossible no matter what I try. Nvm I get it, I was always just holding the button.
Well, this did help improve the atmosphere with the unbearable heat wave going on here.  It was a cool experience, and extra authenticity points for pixel by pixel scroll. The game is lovely but to find more than two orbs seems would take a long time (and good memory of places), which is fine as you aimed for a game where we can just chill, along with some interesting details to discover.

Great graphics and scoping, this is a true and complete metroidvania but it can be finished within 15-20 minutes (or, I don't actually know how long it took but it was a pleasure).

Apart from that the main loops seems bugged on unfinished (making a camp doesn't reduce carbon and has no other point?), this is pretty neat, walking and flying around and mining like this has potential. I do love the controls in essence but there could be less buttons I think. 

Pretty cool and authentic. It is good that you can pass between diagonally adjectent bags, adds some extra tension and timing challenge. It's a downer that nothing seems to happen when the plant goes all the way up.
The theme of building dwellers throwing trash down that someone who takes care of surroundings has to avoid is a perfect description of modern times, and I'm sure this exact situation has been happening around the world for decades.

The premise and graphical representation are so good I really wanted to have fun in the game but the controls were too frustrating due to the farting push direction being hard to predict. I figure it would be possible to push at the right time while spinning, which would be fun if it worked, but due to fart latency + general clunkyness of space key that was a missfire most of the time, which prevented me from having any plans to reach specific objects, and inability to execute plans is a killer of fun. But I think you might be on to something when it comes to sustainable space travel. Perhaps an entire ship could accumulate gasses of passengers for the next push, how hard can ti be?

The puzzles in this game are in my opinion easy and few, but I am aware that some might get confused at start and just wish to play the game without putting in much effort, so here is a walkthrough:

Note, the puzzles are easy but I am aware some just wish to see the game without effort, for this I provided a walkthrough that you can read here:

The puzzles are easy, but for those who want a walkthrough:

A fine commentary on the state of society that expects you to do laps just to see some (spoiler reducted)

Wow, so many levels. Simple and enjoyable puzzle mechanics, in some OCD way. The difficulty curve is all over the place, but I understand it is hard to design so many levels for a jam game. I had to give up at around level 30 as I wasn't sure what is going on and how to progress (the blue square had duplicates, not sure if bug or feature).

This was enjoyable, it's great that each enemy has different graphics and personality, and philosophical elements helped me get more into it.

It's so good that there is no Y axis, I play with invert Y and first person jam games usually make me dizzy for lack of this option. It is interesting that you have to get frustrated and try random buttons to find the world shift. And then to eventually figure out that the layout is the same and the lights in nothingness are graves and portraits. If the point is to remind of nothingness of life spent in corporate job it is doing a good... job.

This game is more than meets the eye, pretty good gameplay for such a simple premise (rising water level annoyed and inspired me to bang those buckets, while movement options require tactics) and music matches the frantic atmosphere. There is even a little animation at the end for a treat, good job. 

Very nice. The loop of switching between sea fairing and fishing was addictive I spent quite some time doing that. Though I couldn't figure out the point of fishing/collecting collecting the items (other than cannonballs). And, I think all chests were empty on one island I found to be dockable. There is definitely some potential in expanding post-jam.

Great game, it did not made me feel proud of myself in how addictive it is. Best 23 out of 50 resets. I did score reset on 1 once, at least twice on 2, that should be an achievement.

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Hello. I sometimes make HTML games without using any engine (without even HTML canvas, just CSS and DOM), and with latest such game the fellow jammers noticed an issue that I don't think was present in the past.

It's about that huge banner covering the top of the game's page, the one that links to the submission page. It is only visible to other jammers, so that issue was hard to predict. The game is set to launch in full screen window when Play is clicked, but the banner doesn't go away when the game launches, it is still there covering a huge top area of the game's view.

From what I heard, it is easy to remove it by scrolling down a bit before pressing play, but a lot of jammers who are trying out the game will not do that no matter how many instructions I leave around. In essence, I don't see any need for such banner, especially of this size, when the game's entry page is linked on the right side of the screen (and this is also covering the game's window but is less of a problem with most screens being wide enough).

Is there some setting that I am missing, or is the fullscreen view simply not supported for HTML-based games?

Aww, hug. Really touchy and effective, and it felt good to see the real change in future timeline, a lot of entries lack that.

Quite well done and polished (apart from few issues) game. Likely among top 3. It is enjoyable to be down there, speed-boosting currents are fun in particular. It was nice to see news of optimistic changes brought by the world and not the player alone. My main issue when it comes to playability is I'm invert-mouse-Y kind of brain, so lack of that option has me tumbling around and missing targets more than I should, but sadly that's pretty usual among jam games.

This is the most inventive game that I couldn't figure out how to play (despite reading the slides). I do like games with weird and funny species (ever since playing Little Big Adventure), and here in particular the camera mechanics and scenery, I could imagine it used in a more adventure-like game where each screen is one puzzle, maybe something like Gobliiins series. The sort of gameplay you went with here I guess needs a lot more time to flesh out and make it more understandable, but it was enjoyable experience to peek into this weird world.