I am working on my dumb little RPG maker game and I'm wanting to fill out some of the scenes with silly little NPCs that speak pretty inconsequential lines of dialog. I am, of course, not against writing every last piece of junk on my own but figured I'd see if anyone wanted to see some of their own trash words in a video game. No real limits/requirements on length or content - anything as short and silly as "Wowee!" or as long and pompous as "I met a traveller from an antique land who said two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert...near them on the sand, half-sunk a shattered visage lies whose frown, and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command, tell that its sculptor well those passions read" (etc. etc. I am not writing out all of Ozymandias)
uhhhh - thanks???