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A member registered Apr 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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cool! I'll aim to get something to you before the end of the day - i'll send it via dc <3

sounds good! any other directions? (something acoustic or bleeps & bloops?) 

sure - how much music y'all need? and just HOW shitty do you want it to be?

in the end, the "real boy" was the master we made along the way (RIP all of the Master sidequest cut content). One day I'll record the rest of the vocals and release it in some secret way (and not pitched down) that will require people to do more than collect 1000 Gold ((because, guys, you weren't seriously meant to do that)). Glad you liked it anyhow!

*points at the message on my profile that reads "all bugs in my games are deliberate - even the ones I don't know about"*

I honestly didn't even consider that someone would use the save function since it's so short??? I will accept speedruns (3 categories: reach first performance %, reach second performance %, and kill frog %)

congrats on ADAPTING to the pain of gamedev! All of the art is amazing - and the additional bits in the extra .zip give a good impression as to what the rest of the game would be like. It might not have turned out the way you wanted, but I'm sure you learned a lot!! (and even if you didn't!! you still made something v cool)

so cool! (it works this time!!!)

Short and sweet - really lovely character portraits, and a very fun premise. Excited to see what you're able to do with this software in the future!

Another banger. Perpetually amazed at your ability to produce such vivid bitsy sprites - the Big Daddy sprite is literally perfect. Really great to see how you were able to ADAPT all of the most crucial elements of Bioshock - even the colour palette is spot-on???



Joke's on you - I'm just going to include this post wholesale.

I am working on my dumb little RPG maker game and I'm wanting to fill out some of the scenes with silly little NPCs that speak pretty inconsequential lines of dialog. I am, of course, not against writing every last piece of junk on my own but figured I'd see if anyone wanted to see some of their own trash words in a video game. No real limits/requirements on length or content - anything as short and silly as "Wowee!" or as long and pompous as "I met a traveller from an antique land who said two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert...near them on the sand, half-sunk a shattered visage lies whose frown, and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command, tell that its sculptor well those passions read" (etc. etc. I am not writing out all of Ozymandias)

uhhhh - thanks???

Why would I spend time making a playable video game when I can instead just hide stuff in the code???

INCREDIBLE (thank you)

PNG would be preferable - no specific dimensions or anything. 

can you draw me a lil fella to hide in my game as a bizarre easter egg???

(2 edits)

This is a really fun spin on the theme - and I love that you've made an incremental game that's as much about loss aversion as it is accumulation. My only real notes are related to UX/Feedback stuff - namely that it'd be useful if each time you clicked a resource generator it added to a counter and popped up a little "+1 MONEY" or whatever - I think this would make it easier to know when you have enough to spend and would also clarify what each button provides.

If anyone is unsure about making a videogame but would still like to take part then please consider posting here to offer your services as an artist/writer/musician/voice actor/play tester/etc.

If you're making a videogame but need some help with anything then also use this thread to ask for whatever you need!

Hi guys, just a quick update regarding the zine.

So far I've received a few submissions and they're looking great - I'm proud of what you guys were able to do!

However, due to the low turnout we currently don't have as many pages as I was hoping for/expecting. As such I am placing a 1 week extension in place to allow for the possibility of additional submissions. 

Whilst I'm hoping for works produced by those who have not yet submitted, I will also accept one (1) additional submission from those of you that have already submitted works - should you want to produce something else for the publication.

You DO NOT have to produce another submission if you don't want to - I appreciate that we're back at school and spare time to spend on frivolous stuff like this is hard to come by. However, if you would like to continue to help this project by submitting something else then that would be great.

I still ask that you only submit original works created for the zine, rather than scouring through your old bits-and-bobs to find something to print.

We'll also use this week extension to iron out any other details that we need to consider before printing, but I'll discuss those in other threads.

Uhhh, that's it? As always, if you have any questions or queries then please comment here (or feel free to ask me IRL in class).


Aye, indeed. I just want you to be responsible for how you resize it - use whatever tools you want

Just make sure to make the details big enough to see when printed small! Sounds like a really fun piece though 

Smash is as "video games" as video games gets! I look forward to seeing what you can do

Something playable or otherwise play-like would be great to see! I hope the theme of "video game" hasn't thrown your tabletop-flavored ideas out for a spin!

Please include Jack Frost disguised as a student from SMT If... - it's important

So what sort of things can we expect to see in our very first zine?

Is anyone working on anything weird?

We speedrunning this? w(°o°)w

How do you do, fellow kids

I hope everyone is having a good reading week so far! 

Just making this thread for people to post progress and talk about development as we go through the week. I know the temptation is there to hide away and work on your game in secret until the big day, but it's important to demystify the game development progress and talk about your plans and goals as you get into it - this is as much about community as it is anything else.

I've finally settled on an idea - I think - and I'm starting to play around with some bitsy plugins to prototype. I think I can make the whole thing in bitsy, but I'm worried that some of the engine's limitations will shaft me as I get further into it.

So how about you guys?


Some good free engines & resources:

Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Free Edition - simple visual programming engine for 2D game development, the free version is pretty robust


Bitsy - super simple 2D engine, great for making short adventure games. Runs in browser! Even on mobile!


Adventure Game Studio - fleshed out software focused on streamlining the creation of point and click adventure games.


Godot - like Unity and GameMaker Studio had a baby - suitable for 2D and 3D. Takes a little learning (although lots of Unity knowledge is transferrable) but is very popular and ~open source~ (runs on Linux too, for those of you that care)


Unity Flatgame Maker - free plugin to allow for easy development of Flat Games, which you should definitely look into if you have no idea what that is.


Literally anything - there are no rules against creating board games or card games or ball games or frisbee games or word games or choose your own adventure stories or anything else for that matter. I'm sure as long as you can provide written rules/instructions and any other resources required for playing your game then it should all be kosher!