Here's what I've been working on for the previous two weeks. I didn't write this earlier because I honestly didn't have that much to show off until now.
You are chosen to participate in the [unnamed] interstellar gladiatorial games. They take place on an abandoned planet where the contestants will have to survive on their own against the organisation's traps and enemies, as well as against each other. Ultimately only one person survives the competition.
The game is a top-down, roguelike shooter with basebuilding and exploration. It has the kind of turn-based gameplay that most roguelikes have, as well as permadeath. The player can find resources in the game to build structures to defend himself and craft better equipment. The point of the game is to eliminate all of the other contestants, as well as to survive as long as possible. Score is based on the total amount of time the player has survived in the world.
What do I have so far?
All graphics are placeholders I made in like 2 seconds. I've written most of the core game code, which took me longer than I thought it would. I ran into some scaling issues that I didn't realize were actually easy to fix. Right now I'm working on the inventory system. After that I'll add AI behaviour (yup, those guys are just standing there) and some more UI elements.
What's next?
Most importantly, a name! I'm bad at naming things. 'Renderable' is obviously a word, which is something Intellij refuses to acknowledge. Other than that, here are some todo's for me:
-Inventory system
-Save system
-statistics/player skills
-more world items & enemies
-Ai behaviour
-combat mechanic
-character creation
-More UI elements
So quite a bit of stuff, I hope I'll finish it all before the deadline. We'll see. Anyway, thanks for reading this. Follow me on @Polydus to see future updates, as well as in this thread.