T-minus: 4 days 17 hours.
I've brainstormed for a little less than 15 minutes, and I think this will be a game in space (noooo wayyyy -.-). And kind of like a asteroids or touhou game if I can get it like that.
I've always thought about warping through space, so I thought I'd codename this project "Warpex"... On second thought, I just like the name lol.
Basis of the game: Space hero needs to save other space heroes and heroines from other planets to save Earth and the Milky Way galaxy. They do so utilizing a space ship that can warp through space and time.....space-time to be exact. How much they do though, will affect if they save Earth or not. That, and if they can dodge the debris and enemies attacking them.
Who knows if the game will turn out that way, or if it will turn out at all, but I won't know unless I try.
Well, it's a start, and the project has been created in GitHub.. Time to get the ball rolling!
Here lies the GitHub page: https://github.com/capnkenny/Warpex