Appreciated the art and music! They seemed to complement each other well, with a neat take on danmaku to go along :)
The only feedback I have is mainly for next time - I had trouble playing the game without turning my screen resolution all the way down to 1920x1080 (the first time I launched I couldn't even exit, and the second time after adjusting I didn't know there was a play button so I got stuck on the controls screen hahaha)
Awesome job on this!
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Hey there!
Considering the amount of time you had, this feels very well polished! The game plays smoothly, the graphics are wonderful, and I love how tongue-in-cheek it is about itself and the jam as a whole.
My only feedback would be to grant some space between the boss and the player - numerous times I died simply because the boss was sitting on top of the spawn point lol.
Overall, great game! I had a blast playing!
T-minus: 1 day 18 hours.
BAAAAAD situation, as I single-handedly knocked a day's worth of work out of range due to work, sickness, and other obligations. x.x.
From here on out, it's the grind. Which brings the latest update.
After working for the past....2 hours or so, I finally have the main menu and game over menus halfway implemented, and switching "states" or scenes implemented as well. The rest of the classes I need to implement are laid out already, now its just time to fill in the code. The only problem is that as I continue, I find myself wanting to create my own assets, as far as graphics are concerned, which takes more time out. That, and every now and then, I find myself dwelling on if switch statements are safe to use in this situation....
A little snapshot of the work in progress: ^^^^^
And the code that drives it:
public void render ()
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
state.readGameState(spr, control);
GameState class:
public void readGameState(SpriteClass sp, Controller con)
case 1:
case 2:
con.poll(this, sp.getSprite(1));
case 3:
As of now, here's the rest to get done:
- Adapt the game state to address the player / enemies, not sprites themselves
- Add enemies + their AI
- Add collision
- Add the scrolling star background
- Add Sound*
- Add rewind feature*
- Add individual levels*
- Add scripting for levels*
- Add Animation* (explosions, etc)
Although, I do have some questions during programming, with my main one being if LibGDX has its own exception handling, or should I stick to creating my own with Java's native libraries? I'd rather not, since after the jam I'd like to make this portable for all platforms, but for now, I don't have much need.
T-minus: 3 days, 18 hours.
Changed the sprite sheet to a sprite for the player, realizing that I only was using one of the sprites. Made some changes to the way sprites are addressed as well. Plus, had to manually add transparency to the sprite so that I don't have to mess with alpha layers and the such, if that's even possible....
The great news is that I now have a MOVING sprite displaying and staying in bounds! I made sure to try to keep it separate from the main class via a controller class, but later on I'll see how viable it is. For now, it seems very viable, and since it's only for the player, it seems like its progress!
For tonight, it's time to stop. Hopefully I get up early enough to work on it some more before work. I'd like to get the rest of the sprites created, added in, and spawning.
T-minus: 4 days, 2 hours.
At work and I only have a half hour, so by the time I scarfed my food down, got booted up, and started working I couldn't get much done.
Good news is, I added a little bit of code and it runs! Even if it IS a very tiny sprite lol.
Back to work...and after that it's back to some more work ;)
T-minus: 4 days, 16 hours.
- Gathered some assets that were public domain (still plan on crediting the authors though since I like them so much :D) and Creative Commons licensed.
- Added a custom class to help manage sprites
- Got the initial project set up and pushed to GitHub
P.S. sorry for the bad pun, I'm tired.
T-minus: 4 days 17 hours.
I've brainstormed for a little less than 15 minutes, and I think this will be a game in space (noooo wayyyy -.-). And kind of like a asteroids or touhou game if I can get it like that.
I've always thought about warping through space, so I thought I'd codename this project "Warpex"... On second thought, I just like the name lol.
Basis of the game: Space hero needs to save other space heroes and heroines from other planets to save Earth and the Milky Way galaxy. They do so utilizing a space ship that can warp through space and time.....space-time to be exact. How much they do though, will affect if they save Earth or not. That, and if they can dodge the debris and enemies attacking them.
Who knows if the game will turn out that way, or if it will turn out at all, but I won't know unless I try.
Well, it's a start, and the project has been created in GitHub.. Time to get the ball rolling!
Here lies the GitHub page: https://github.com/capnkenny/Warpex
Hi everyone!
My name is Ken, or "capnkenny", and I'm a hobbyist / student Java developer who hasn't really dabbled too much in their spare time. I just read up on LibGDX, and this will be my first endeavor into game development, as well as my first game jam! This will be fun nonetheless for me, so here goes nothing!
Although I have a few colleagues where I work that would like to join me, I'm going in solo on this one; attempting this game jam will help me learn a lot about where I should start and where to improve. Besides, entering this late in the game (4 days and counting) will show me what I can accomplish in a crunch!Let's see....My favorite colors are red and green. And I'll be using LibGDX + Box2D (I think, since that's what comes with the project builder and I think I'll be okay with), Audacity for my music files (if I get to it), and GIMP to edit my sprites / pics / etc. I'll also probably bounce back and forth between Eclipse and Android Studio to do the actual development.
Good luck to everyone else who is jamming!