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First Steps for a Lua LTRO-1 fantasy console

A topic by kieselsteini created Jul 13, 2021 Views: 263 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4
(1 edit) (+2)

Hi there,

I just started with a small LTRO-1 fantasy console for Lua. It is far from being a proper PICO-8 or something like that.


  • the required 10 color palette
  • 240x135 pixel screen
  • the 7 button gamepad
  • a 2 channel simple pulse wave PSG
  • Lua 5.4.3 as the primary programming language
  • sprites / images are simple strings containing "023439" for pixel data
  • music is composed using MML (music macro language e.g. "cdefgba>c")
  • an integrated sprite editor which can be accessed by pressing F2 during execution
  • simple C and SDL2 as the only dependency, so it should compile on almost everything
  • provided Windows 64-bit and HTML5/JavaScript builds

You will find the GitHub repository here:

Latest builds (for Windows/Browser) can be downloaded here:

The integrated sprite editor

I hope you might find this somewhat useful :) Please report bugs or place feature requests here.


yo' thats very useful stuff, thanks for sharing it

(1 edit)

Hey there,

as promised I made a Windows 64-bit release. So you can just download the ZIP-File and start hacking the "init.lua" file.

I also ported the game console to the browser. As this was one of the points in this Jam to have it (whenever possible) also playable in the browser. It works ;) So grab the HTML5 zip and just replace the "init.lua" file and host it somewhere on the internet...

Now I'm working on squashing bugs and perhaps include a sprite-editor, music-editor right into the program itself.

Here's the link to the GitHub LTRO-1 releases:


#edit: I've forgot to mention, LTRO-1 will now support any gamepad with is supported by SDL2/Steam (virtually every game controller out there).

Updated the first post with more information and released 0.5.0 with a sprite editor and various square wave generators for audio.