Hey there,
as promised I made a Windows 64-bit release. So you can just download the ZIP-File and start hacking the "init.lua" file.
I also ported the game console to the browser. As this was one of the points in this Jam to have it (whenever possible) also playable in the browser. It works ;) So grab the HTML5 zip and just replace the "init.lua" file and host it somewhere on the internet...
Now I'm working on squashing bugs and perhaps include a sprite-editor, music-editor right into the program itself.
Here's the link to the GitHub LTRO-1 releases: https://github.com/kieselsteini/ltro1/releases
#edit: I've forgot to mention, LTRO-1 will now support any gamepad with is supported by SDL2/Steam (virtually every game controller out there).