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Respectful Reuse of Change Tables?

A topic by Pearse Anderson created Aug 20, 2021 Views: 224 Replies: 2
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What is the consensus or ruling using prompts that are in the original Lost & Found games? Some of those prompts feel great for my idea, but I don't want to copy+paste unnecessarily or steal another artists' work. For example, "You were broken, split or torn into two pieces by your KEEPER, intentionally or otherwise. How did this happen and how were you made whole again?" is a really straightforward prompt that could apply different to so many systems (a book Lost & Found game would treat it differently than a castle game). If I'm doing something similar, should I create my own spins on these prompts?


Well, per the license all the content in Artefact / Bucket is protected. However, if you want to reuse one or two prompts from those games, with a little twist if you like, I鈥檓 not gonna call my lawyers (I don鈥檛 have lawyers 馃槈)


I apologize for not seeing this before! Thank you for letting me know, and glad I won't have lawyers at my door. But I will say I consulted with one today about TTRPGs and she was super helpful—recommend it for others as a learning experience, and happy to send over the case law she advised I look over.