Hello! The white text for the sidebar is from the MS DOS emulator, it’s called JS DOS (it’s DosBox with Javascript), I did not program that emulator.
Try downloading the version compiled for Windows. The online version with the emulator is kind of cumbersome, since it’s emulating MS DOS inside a web browser.
The version compiled for Windows has better keyboard response.
The best way to land the ship is to tap the boosters (for example up arrow or W), to control the fall slowly.
Thank you for your comments and testing the game!!
Good art, nice mechanics, and Massive Respect for using QBasic,
love the stars, and the galactic location selector looked cool.
but the controls didn't feel responsive, but maybe its a QBasic thing so idk.
and the text in the beginning explaining the side bar, is white on a white background so its hard to read.
tldr: Fun little game, nice art and mechanics 9/10
Hello! The white text for the sidebar is from the MS DOS emulator, it’s called JS DOS (it’s DosBox with Javascript), I did not program that emulator.
Try downloading the version compiled for Windows. The online version with the emulator is kind of cumbersome, since it’s emulating MS DOS inside a web browser.
The version compiled for Windows has better keyboard response.
The best way to land the ship is to tap the boosters (for example up arrow or W), to control the fall slowly.
Thank you for your comments and testing the game!!
oh, sorry I don't know much QBasic.
Solid game nevertheless.
Really impressive that you got this done in QBasic! You mentioned that we can view the source code, I'd love to take a peek! Do you have a github?
Yes of course, the link is in my profile! From there you can see my projects, including this one. Thanks for the comment!!
ps https://github.com/alvarogonzalezferrer/Mars-Rescue/blob/main/mars22.bas