The art and music came together to lend such a contemplative, melancholy air to the whole piece, and I really enjoyed it. Very realistic anxieties stemming from the characters and a cute final line. Well done!
Kudos for an entirely CG game, first and foremost. That's an intense amount of effort, on top of writing it all. Everyone is gestured in very natural ways and it helps ground the aesthetic of it all.
The characters' inner monologues and how they reflect different kinds of anxieties throughout the whole story is very careful to make each inner voice both distinct from one another and profoundly realistic. How characters interact with each other hits hard, too. The characterization is just so real. I loved reading it. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these characters.
I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your art, and the stories you tell.
The art and music came together to lend such a contemplative, melancholy air to the whole piece, and I really enjoyed it. Very realistic anxieties stemming from the characters and a cute final line. Well done!
What an incredible story.
Kudos for an entirely CG game, first and foremost. That's an intense amount of effort, on top of writing it all. Everyone is gestured in very natural ways and it helps ground the aesthetic of it all.
The characters' inner monologues and how they reflect different kinds of anxieties throughout the whole story is very careful to make each inner voice both distinct from one another and profoundly realistic. How characters interact with each other hits hard, too. The characterization is just so real. I loved reading it. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these characters.
I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your art, and the stories you tell.