Well, I've officially rated 101 games! Looking back its a little mind boggling. I've played 101 completely unique games over the past week, all made by fellow developers. Quite a few have stood out, and I've also noticed a few common themes as well (I think I played three cooking games yesterday alone?)
For criminally underrated games, I'd have to go with "Bimsy Dreams" and "your summer break is over"
I've also developed a little bit of a personal criteria to help with rating things throughout.
1 star means this aspect wasn't present in the game, two means it was there but I didn't like it, 3 means it was sufficient, 4 means this was pretty good for a jam game and I liked it, and 5 typically means this was out of the park and remarkable. I've only rated two games with a 5 in gameplay so far, but a shocking amount managed to get a 5 in visuals!
How many games have you guys rated so far, and what are some of your stand outs? Do you have any handy rating rubrics?