Anyone using flixel-gdx for the jam?
It seems that FlxCollide() doesn't work at a display resolution < 256
I got it working, seems that the only way to do it is to use the method. Using zoom or even upscaling the sprites wont work.
Here's detailed what I did:
Problem is that if you resize the window, you'll loose the 64x64 grid and achieve a full 256x256 resolution. But I guess that property can be disabled.
The camera size is for example 640x480 but if your tilemap is 1024x760 only the area cover from (0,0) to (640,480) wil be collidable. You have to set,0,tilemap.width,tilemap.height, true), the boolean value advice to the camera to take into account the non render piece of tilemap (the area outside the current camera viewport).