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A jam submission

REIZEN: PrototypeView game page

Fast-paced, twitch-reflex, arcade-like web game
Submitted by Ryan Trawick (@aynik_co) — 9 days, 17 hours before the deadline
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REIZEN: Prototype's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Magical Girl Concept#262.5002.500
Genre Mashup Incorporation#272.0002.000

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the Magical Girl Genre?
Reizen is a girl with angel destroying powers

Which genres from categories A and B did you choose?
Platformer + Beat 'em up

How does your game mash those genres?
You have to platform while waiting for your beat 'em up power to charge

Were the graphics/audio assets for your game made during the jam?

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I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing

Once I figured it out, it's actually a pretty neat concept, but this game really falls into the category of things that need a manual but don't have one.

One thing that really blocked my attempts to understand this game is that the collision detection is a little off, and bouncing off the triangular platforms didn't happen consistently until I was actively aiming for them. Because of this, it took me a long time to figure out that this was the platforming mechanic mentioned.

I don't think the "crashing" sound, which sounds like something that would play if you messed up, helps either.

All the indicators on the right actually do correspond to something in the game, but I didn't figure out what everything meant for a while even after I'd figured out the basic mechanics. I'm not sure why these are so unintuitive; unlike the platforming part I can't put my finger on it.

Maybe the confusion is meant to be part of the experience, but I'm just not on board with that. I almost gave up after my first try before reluctantly trying again.

I do really like the (pseudo?) 3D graphics, and the soundtrack matches well. There's not a lot here in terms of variety, but what is there is quality and used well.

I still don't understand what I'm bouncing at or why I'm bouncing, but this is described as more or less a mechanics prototype, so that's probably besides the point.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Extremely creative game that completely fuses the platforming and beat-em-up into a single mechanic, where bouncing on the triangles (enemies) is necessary to survive and proceed. There is also a bit of bullet hell vibes with the hitbox and the bullets; it is a minimal implementation but nonetheless well appreciated to spice up the gameplay. This type of arcade-like game reminds me of games like Super Hexagon, it’s quite enjoyable to play but needs more content/variety or it can get monotonous after a while. This can be alleviated if there are more effects, different types of enemies/platforms, bullet patterns, etc. This monotony extends to the music as well. With that said, I still enjoyed it quite much even in the current minimal version of the game, which speaks highly of its game design. Its fairly easy to grasp even without instructions. The graphics and audio are decent but well chosen to fit the arcade experience.

A criticism that I have is that the game doesn’t seem to have much to allude to magical girls. I can kind of get a feeling for it through the setting, but would love to see more focus placed on this aspect, at least for the game jam. Other than that, it’s hard to perceive depth in this game and although the UI shows this, I still don’t think it’s enough to solve it; perhaps some graphical improvements are needed in this aspect. It’s also hard to tell how far away are the bullets, and they are drawn above all platforms so it can obstruct the view even if they are not coming towards the player. Also, one last suggestion I have is to enable the player to make more delicate movements, maybe hold a button down to move slower or something, which I think will enhance the experience.

Overall, I think it’s a fun game with a brilliant concept and would love to see this game being developed further. Well done!


I absolutely love this kind of aesthetic and wish I had the brain to make something with this weird retro-psychedelic feeling. The concept is bizarre and unintuitive and I have no idea whats going on and I think that's exactly what you're going for, which is perfect.

I'm not sure if there's a win condition, I've tried many times and it seems to just be the same encounter on repeat? I've reached the third stage a few times but I tend to lose around there every time. While the core concept is neat it is definitely a bit repetitive so once the feelings of confusion passed and I understood my goal, the game became a little boring I suppose.

I don't like the hud, I'm not looking at it because it's in an awkward place and it's not even clear which meters are good and which are bad. I'm sure that's part of the design to some degree, but I feel this prototype works perfectly fine without the hud elements, the text prompts are enough.

I really can't stress how cool the aesthetic is and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.


Ok, the aesthetic on this one was really cool... I had no idea was I was getting into when I started it, and it took a few rounds of failure to figure it out, but the audio/visual experience grabbed me immediately. It's got a unique look and feel that really stood out to me.

The gameplay seems fairly simple (bounce on triangles, only go into the eye when it says you can? Did I miss anything?) But despite (or maybe even because of!) the simplicity, I found myself playing quite a few rounds, getting a high score of 545.

From a theme standpoint, I see the platformer (3d platformer), but the beat-em-up element does seem a little light to me. It's just a charging power bar, correct?  But you know what? I feel like the goal of a mash up jam is to get some weird, unique ideas and this definitely succeeded in my eyes, so I won't dwell on the theme thing too much.

Overall, I had I good time playing this, and the audio/visual experience is on of my favorites so far! It'd be cool if you expanded this game and added more content, maybe a goal, levels, story, etc. But as it stands, it's a cool prototype! Great job!


Once you fall into the eye, it hard to make a comeback. I wasn't sure what I was doing either. I broke a lot of triangles, but was sure what the goal was. It looked really nice though.


it needs several death to figure out what's happening. but so far i like the game concept. the art style is also pretty cool