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A member registered Apr 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is a pretty unique game! I like the idea of a dark magical girl stealth game. The atmosphere is spot on. The core mechanics for the first level work well overall, though I had to restrain my impatient impulses to get through it... I'm not very good at stealth games I guess!

I couldn't figure out how to fight the first boss. Their blade attack seemed to reach me no matter what I did. At first I forgot about the dash move, but even dashing the blades would always reach me.

One other thing I'd like to see if you plan on updating this game is a little more "magical girl". Right now it feels like I could be anyone breaking out of jail. Maybe some magical effects or SFX, a clearer character design in game, or other details.

Still, this was a cool entry, and I do hope you continue progress on it! Great work!

It's short, but this is really nice work! The art and music are all excellent. The story was pretty interesting so far too.

The gameplay is very ambitious! There's a lot going on, from picking up weapons to casting spells, controlling the camera, and learning about the story. The controls are a little clunky currently, and combat doesn't feel very satisfying in it's current state. The spells in particular... it was kind of hard to tell what was happening, but the enemy would just die.

Still, there's a ton of cool ideas and I think with some gameplay refinement this'll be a really great game. What you were able to complete during the jam is still very impressive, and I hope you'll continue working on it!

It's short, but there's never enough time during jam periods! Even if it's unfinished, I'm glad you submitted. I like that you made all the art yourself, and in Paint no less! That's definitely a challenge! I hope you'll keep working on this project. If not, maybe we'll see you again for MGGJ11? Either way, keep it up!

I think a bunch of people have already said this, but the character art is amazing! I enjoy rhythm games, but I'm not particularly good at them (with the most recent FNF level, I can't even get through the first song on easy ;-; ) That said, the difficult of your game was perfect for me! It took me a minute to figure out the correct timing, but once I got it was very fun to play!

The chiptune styled music is also really good!

I see 3 songs on the menu, are they all playable? I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I always get the Sheep Girl no matter which I highlight. (I tried Chrome and Firefox just in case, but had the same result. I mainly use Firefox when browsing, but as a fellow Construct user, I've run into a handful of Firefox-exclusive bugs in my own projects)

If I'm doing something wrong, let me know 'cause I'd love to come back and play the other songs! If not, I'll definitely want to check this out as you keep working on it! (There's Continue-it Jam coming up if you want to join, *wink wink*)

One bit of feedback I had based on what I played was that I'd like more "impact" when hitting successful timings! Currently you get some visual feedback, but I think some sort of audio cue would make it more satisfying to score hits! It's possible you had more planned, so if it's on your to-do list, don't mind me!

Anyway, really nice work! Looking forward to seeing more. :D

That's great to hear! After the rating period, I'll be running a Continue-It Jam! Feel free to join if you like. Even if you don't want to officially join, you can still post progress in the Continue-It channel on the discord. The goal is to continue and share work in a more chill jam, and keep those projects rolling... I find I always work better when other people are also working on projects and posting updates!

It's a quick demo, but there's a lot to like in the short amount of time! The character sprites are all really nice, and the overall look and vibe of the level is great. I really like the music too, it all comes together to build a nice atmosphere. The voice acted character is very well done too.

Great start, I hope you'll continue work on this!

I really liked the character art(both in game and during the dialogue)and overall look of the game! The character animation was nice too. Another thing I really enjoyed was the music in the level, really had a great anime vibe to it!

The combat could have used a little more feedback/juice. Currently hits don't feel very satisfying, and tossing the enemies into the air with any hit makes combo-ing them difficult. I also encountered a few bugs... if I tried to play again after game over, the intro dialogue would not proceed... I had to refresh the page. Falling off the screen at the start doesn't lead to game over either. I think I reached the end of the level, but I didn't find anything there. I imagine that this was due running out of time in the jam, but maybe I missed something.

Still, I think you did a lot of great work on this! It's a great start, and I hope you keep working on it!

I had a ton of fun with this game. It may have scratched a specific itch that I didn't know I had... I really enjoyed the abstract level design! I kind of miss the less "real" levels from older games like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Quake, etc.

The gameplay in general was fun, though I do have a few critiques. I wish there were more weapons (a rocket of some sort would be nice!) The two attacks were good, but after a point it did start to get a little repetitive. The controls were solid most of the time, but they were a little floaty and that really hurt during jumping sections. I got stuck in the stairway geometry a few times in Chapter 1 level 3. The end boss... I ultimately beat it by standing behind a pillar and holding down attack. It would have been nice if there was a more "Active" strategy that worked better. That said, beating the boss that way did once again trigger nostalgia for some of those old FPS games where I used to exploit the AI like that.

Overall I really enjoyed this one a lot. Great work!

This is a very interesting game! The aesthetics were unique and a little haunting, and the story unfolds in an appropriately unsettling way. There's a lot I like about it all!

The gameplay unfortunately is a little clunky and there are quite a few bugs. Simply walking just didn't quite feel right. Very slow and hard to maneuver. Another issue I had was the mouse not really syncing well with the view-screen. Also, in each of the boss rooms enemies would start practically on top of me, dealing insta-damage... I often couldn't even talk to the characters before hitting the gameover screen.

That said, I was engaged enough I fought through those problems to finish the game. I'd say that's a big success, as normally I might walk away from a game with these issues. Really great work, hopefully you can come back and polish the gameplay a bit!

This is a really nice visual novel! The art, especially the characters, looks great, and the music and audio all work well too. The musical theming for the story and powers is fun and well done. If you plan to keep working on it, consider joining Magical Girl Continue it jam! There's more info in the MGGJ discord, but it's a somewhat relaxed follow up jam meant to keep the creative momentum going... it'll probably launch officially toward the tail end of the rating period.

Nice work!

Thanks so much for playing, and your feedback! Those are 2 of June's non-magical friends :) They've technically been in the series before, but unnamed... they are in the first game, A Change of Heart in the ending sequence.

The combat definitely needs some adjustment, especially in the hitbox department. On easy, there's not much reason to use any of the glamour-power moves, as every attack deals max damage XD.  It was actually a debug mode originally, but I kinda liked one-shotting everything so I left it in as "easy mode." In normal mode you can still get away with basic punching, but the the other moves definitely make it more fun to play.

Either way, I want to adjust the combat a bit before working on any expansion of this game. 

Scope-wise, I was determined to A) not overscope and B) do something that at least felt like a full short-game, vs doing another "Demo Edition" like A Dream of Dusk and 2Goku. The game is a bit longer on normal mode, due to the lack of one-shotting enemies hehe.

Did I succeed in my scope goals? I dunno, in a way it's still a demo I guess, but at least it acts as an intro for June and can stand alone in that sense.

As for World Tree, yes, this would be the big installment that I keep hinting/thinking about. I initially was going to do an intro-game for it back in MGGJ4, when we all thought it was going to be nature themed. Dreams and Preludes is the spiritual successor to that lost idea... though it's been changed in almost every possible way. (June was just an NPC in the original plan)

I'm honestly not sure what type of game it should be. The plan was to use this as a base for a longer game, but I haven't decided yet if this is the right gameplay genre to continue with. I dunno, I guess I just have to pick a genre and stick with it eventually, or it'll never happen. I also want to finish 2Goku before moving on to a new project. A Dream of Dusk will probably have to wait... it takes place past any of these events anyway, so there's no real reason I should focus on it first.

This is an excellent visual novel! The story is gripping, and the voice acting really adds to the experience. The artwork is also really nice, I love the style. I actually like it so much that I wish there was more... thankful the story and voice work are good enough to keep me engaged, but the long stretches text over black were a little sparse. 

Great work!

This is a pretty neat game! I like the 2D/3D style you've gone for. The music (in the section I played, more on that in a moment...) was great. I liked that there was voice acting too, though it seemed like it had been compressed or something... it had a tinny quality to it.

I've always liked games that mix fantasy with mundane elements, like "Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale", so the laundry management part was cool. Unfortunately, I got stuck when my last (i think?) customer got angry in line and then never approached the counter. I'll try and give it another go when I have some time.

What I was able to play was very good though, nice work!

I couldn't tell if there was an ending or not... I though I was getting pretty far, but tended to get flattened by the Vanquishing Machine after awhile each run.

Nice work for a 2-week game!

Wow! This is an impressive game. I love the 2D/3D look with the drawn art. The audio works well, and the voice acting is a great touch! The combat is simple, yet very fun. Getting the rhythm of striking and dodging is challenging at first, but fun to master.

I managed to complete a loop after several failed runs. The boss seemed glitched when I fought it, the sprite seemed like some sort of texture error had occurred, looking like a mis-scaled and offset texture rather than discernible artwork. I found one other bug with the boss.. after defeating it, if you keep striking where it fell, it'll reappear and play the "defeat" animation again and again.

Overall a really awesome entry. Great work!

Thanks for playing, and your feedback! It's very helpful. For the range attack, I may consider re-balancing it. It has some specific strategic value in it's current setup, but that isn't really communicated anywhere in-game, players would have to figure it out on their own. If I speed it up, it'll need to get nerfed in other regards. Definitely something for me to think about!

Super-fun, classic SHMUP game. Love it! The sprite work is cute and looks great, and the audio all works well. I played through on both characters and enjoyed them... though Yami was like using cheat codes, haha. My only complaint would be that it's pretty short! But honestly, for a game jam it's just right so that's not even a negative.

Awesome work!

Really cute game! Loved the artwork and story :)  I was also impressed with just how much sweet potato dialogue there was. (I did a second run where I tried clicking on all sorts of things hehe)

Awesome work!

It may not be finished, but this is a really cool idea! Being a "Magical-girl-manager" is a good twist, and I don't remember seeing a game like this in the last 10 MGGJs. I enjoyed search the computer and completing the different tasks and making an OP magical girl team!

I think with some more work this'll be an awesome game, I hope you continue it!

As the others said, I couldn't really make it far... I did make it past 3 seconds once though! By quickly using a few different defense moves, I lasted 13s on one playthrough. But I couldn't figure out how to get my attacks to land. Still, as you made this in a few days, it's still impressive. The character sprites as great, and I enjoyed the story that was there! (Deborah... Deborah... that gum wasn't worth it...)

As expected, another solid addition to Song of Morus, this time more of a DLC than a new game. (As you've noted!)

The new enemy is good, with a nice variety of attack pattern phases. Those line attacks have to be some of the hardest to judge distance/position yet... not sure why, but they really threw me off! That said, I did manage to win in normal more, so I don't think there's anything unfair about them. My least favorite phase was the "star burst" attacks... not sure why, but I had a super hard time targeting the girl while also dodging. The final phase was the easier somehow...  I blasted through that one in no time at all.

Overall I still think this is a really cool concept! I haven't quite mastered the controls, but I'm getting better with each update hehe. Nice work!

PS: "I'm too busy to care..." - Anitya.  Damn, that's COLD Anitya...

I really like the concept of persuasion battles! This unique setup definitely stands out. The artwork and overall look of the game is really nice.

The bullet-hell avoidance stages were pretty cool too, I enjoyed figuring out the different patterns, though it eventually got very hard. The dash occasionally didn't seem to work right, not sure if this is a bug or if I was doing something wrong.

Overall a really interesting game, and well made!

Really nice artwork in this game! The characters are cute, and I like the drawn background art. It all comes together for a great aesthetic!

The run and gun gameplay is fun, and there's a good variety of enemies and bosses! If you're planning on expanding this game, I'd like to see a little more variety in the attack patterns and abilities. Currently the best strategy I found was to just keep pressing fire, and heal when my health gets to the danger zone. More emphasis on dodging or other strategies could help the gameplay stay fresh. Dodging was important against the bosses, and those were my favorite parts of the battle sections.

Great work!

Wow! I really liked the Magical Girl concept in this game. The one playable stage really caught my eye too... there's something about it that was very atmospheric and charming.

I'll admit that when I played the demo stages, I was a little surprised as the tone was quite a bit different that what I had expected based on the intro stage. It's not bad , in fact it all looks good and the demo move-set feels very fun so far.  It's just a bit more wacky than I expected from the more somber intro . I did enjoy knocking that crazy bird around in stage 3 hehe.

I hope you'll join the Continue It jam, I'd love to see where this goes!

I know the exact feeling... I'm always the only play-tester on my projects so I get waaaay too used to the controls and gameplay. It's honestly a really solid game even as-is, so with a little updating and tweaking it should really come together!

Beautiful and well made game! I really love the characters and art in general. The story scenes, map, gameplay all looks great!

This jam is putting my rhythm-less self to the test... I'm not very good at rhythm games it seems. I could beat the first song, but the second one is trouncing me. But despite the challenge, I can recognize the love and care put into this game, and at all seems very fair.. I just need to git gud enough to beat it!

Anyway, despite my personal deficiencies, this is really awesome work!

This is a pretty nice beat-em-up game! It's fairly short, but I like the character designs and artwork. The punch moveset is solid, and the dash is pretty fun to use! And I liked that you had a different mechanic for beating the end boss. The audio presentation was great too, with good music and full voice acting!

I wish it was just a little longer so I could spend more time using the gameplay mechanics! As it currently stands, I think the story sections are longer than the gameplay. But they look really nice, so I didn't mind it too much! Nice work!

First things first... incredible aesthetics and presentation. The visual design and audio are all top notch. The voice acting is excellent and really adds to the game. Gameplay-wise, there's a good variety of abilities to use that keep it entertaining to play.

That said, the actual control and game-feel is a little off right now. The platforming itself is solid, if a little stiff. Attacks don't feel as satisfying as I'd like, and it's a little tough to get into position to deliver them. The end boss was really hard, and it didn't feel terribly fair. I'd say that each of the boss attacks need slightly more "tell" time to help the player get out of the way. The projectile attack was fine, but the biggest offender in my opinion were the random strikes that could hit you anywhere. If i wasn't already running and jumping non-stop, there was almost no dodging those.

I hope you'll keep working on this project, despite my gameplay issues, I did see it all the way through, and beat the boss after many attempts XD.  I think you've got something really special here, and with some refinement  will take it to the next level!

Nice work, especially since you dove into this jam so late! I don't know much about the template you used, but the art and music is good and works well for this sort of random dungeon type game! I wasn't clear what all the different powerups did, but I collected a bunch regardless! At a certain point, enemies started following from room to room, and when I'd exit a room, I'd walk right into a bunch of enemies in the next room taking damage right away.

I imagine some of these issues have to do with the short amount of time you had to work on this. Still, nice work overall and I hope you keep working on it!

Cute concept, I love the vegan magical girl vs meat villain gag. :)

The artwork, music, and SFX are all good and work well.  I especially like the character designs. The gameplay is solid. I saw someone else mention this, but it did seem like the kind of game that should have a tiny hit box. That said, it seems it's more of a score attack than "avoid all the bullets or else" type game. I got an "A" my first run, and a "S***" my second run. It's pretty short, but fun enough I came back for that second round! Great work :)

I went back and tried playing on my phone, and though I still have no rhythm (I'm musically cursed I guess) I was very impressed with the mobile controls, they worked very well!

Oh, I see! That makes sense... I was definitely doing that wrong DX 

I'll have to try it again later!

Bones can certainly make it easier, but I really like frame-by-frame animation!

This is a really unique concept! I've always liked the idea of Magical Girl power spilling into other activities, like sports, clubs, etc. The characters were fun, and I enjoyed the scenario and setup.

I got totally crushed by the other team... I didn't even get to see magical girl powers. I could never get the balls to consistently throw where I wanted, didn't score a hit, and couldn't catch anything in the outfield ;-;

This may be a skill issue on my part... but a tutorial of some sort at the start of the game might be helpful, as I never quite knew exactly what to do.

Regardless, this is polished and well made. Also, I'm always excited to see another Construct user!

This is a pretty cool classic style beat em up! I enjoyed the retro aesthetic, and the music worked really well. The rhythm timed attacks were a cool mechanic. I'll admit I was really bad at them, and struggled in battles with multiple enemies at once.  That's more a me problem than a game problem. (I wouldn't have minded an easy mode though!)

This is really nice work. Great job!

Very cool game! I'm really bad at it... I've got no rhythm I guess... ^^;

I liked the artwork and overall aesthetic of the game. The transformation sequence was a nice touch, and I'm amused by the tide-pod costume. I managed to win using almost exclusively ranged attacks, so at least I could find a strategy that worked for me!

Really great work! Looking forward to the update!

I did it! I dated my washing machine!

Since you started this project, I had no idea how this would play out... but it's pretty fun and funny, and I had a great time! I even laughed out loud at least once, which is pretty rare for me. (I tend to laugh internally)

Great job! Now we need the DLC about the jealous Dryer trying to foil their relationship. Continue it jam maybe?  ;)

I kept up with your posts in the discord server, and it was fun seeing your animation process for the characters! The game itself is fairly short and simple, but it's cool seeing it all in place. I got a highscore of 23 after 2 playthroughs.

Nice work!

(1 edit)

Short but fun! I did terrible my first run, but played a second time and did much better.

I'm not great at shmup and bullet hell games, so I appreciated the infinite lives. One thing I might suggest is a brief invincibility period after respawning... during the boss I would often die, then insta-die again when I spawned in on a bullet.

I enjoyed playing this, and I'd love to see more! I hope you'll keep working on it post-jam :D

PS: I also enjoyed your regular updates throughout the jam, I wish I had been able to do that more. I'll try and make more of an effort during Continue it jam XD

There are some rough edges, but I think this is a really cool game! I really liked the dollhouse concept, and exploring the different rooms was fun. I found the platforming to be a little clunky... but to be fair, I did play the browser version. Not sure if it's smoother on the downloaded version. I skipped the water room, as I insta-died there the first time and had no confidence that I'd be able to cross it successfully. But I rescued the rest of the children and escaped.

Great work!