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A member registered Apr 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Yes, this is a far cry from where I'd like it to be... but I'm still happy I started it for the jam, because I'd probably never get to it otherwise.

This is easily my most self-indulgent game to date. I made it not because I think it's a particularly good idea, not because it perfectly fit the jam themes, not because anyone ASKED for it....

...I made it because I wanted it to exist, and to play it myself. We'll see if it eventually lives up to my personal expectations or not. My ever-growing pile of "in progress" games is starting to make me sweat! I should seriously consider taking a jam-break to finish this stuff up.

Thank so much for playing! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you hehe... I just really wanted to try making a fighting game with my characters regardless of my personal knowledge of the genre. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

I'm hoping to improve it during the Continue-it jam and beyond, so this won't be it's final form!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

(1 edit)

I make my games in Construct 3! I built this fighting game setup myself in C3, though it's pretty rough around the edges currently. Each character is more or less just a "skin" for now, until I get the time to really flesh it out and add things like unique character moves.

Thanks so much! I'm glad you are enjoying my continuing series and it's many gameplay shifts. I bit off a little more than I could chew this time... I don't recommend making a fighting game for a game jam, unless you have a lot more time than I did! XD

Hoping to expand this in the near future, we'll see if I can find the time!

Thanks for letting me know!

Hi there! Thanks for playing, and reporting this issue.

I made the control setup in haste, and look back it may not have been the best choice. I'm using a QWERTY keyboard, but it's possible my layout doesn't work on some other keyboard layouts.

The "<" and ">" keys are also the "," and "." keys on my keyboard layout, and those are the actual attack keys for P2. (Comma and Period keys) They looked a little silly on my "help" screen so I instead listed "<" and ">". Try the comma and period keys and let me know if those work!

Honestly, I'll probably go back and change the P2 keys to something like "O" & "P"...  I was trying to find a layout where 2 players could comfortably play on the same keyboard XD

Thanks for playing! Yes, I do not recommend doing this for a game jam... I expected it to be a lot of work, and it still exceeded my expectations.

This was fun and relaxing to play! The mechanics were easy to pick up while playing.

For a minute I was getting weird deja vu while listening to the music, and then it finally clicked XD

I remember this from MGGJ10, and I still really like the look and feel of it! The music is really good, the art is lovely, and the voice acting that's there is a great touch. The demo is still fairly short, but it does feel like it's progressing now, and I have a better understanding of the story compared to the MGGJ10 demo.

I'm glad you were able to join and make some progress, even if you had to take a break first! Your well-being should always be the priority, so focusing on that is always the right choice.

Very enjoyable simulation/task game! What really stood out was the artwork, it was very charming. Excellent work, thanks for joining the jam!

Very cool, polished and fun game. I remember playing it back in MGGJ9, but this version really shines! The art, gameplay and levels are all on point.

I have 2 things I'd love to see updated... first, the shield enemies have a bit too much HP. I found myself just tanking the damage to run past them because I got sick of fighting them. This brings me to the second request... a checkpoint before the final boss please! I haven't beaten it yet because after dying on the boss, I didn't want to fight all those knights again ;-;

I'll try and come back and beat it later. Overall, amazing work!

I enjoyed this during MGGJ10, and it's still fun now! I played it twice today because I forgot there were two attacks and only used the basic shot the first time. XD

I can't remember what is all new vs old (aside from reading the devlog) but I did watch your many updates in the discord, so I know you've been working on it! I didn't really understand the bells and how they relate to scoring... do they give a bonus of some sort? I was able to destroy some of them.

The big cannon boss was cool in theory, but it dies before it's on screen if you are holding down the attack button. The second boss is a little too easy as well.

The devlog is fairly simple, but it at least outlines your progress and struggles!

Nice work and a fun game!

Short, but fun! I'd love to see more of this. The combat feels good, and I like the pixel art. Great work!

Cool game! I'm always impressed with your home-brew work and breadth of styles of your games. I can make it to the 3rd phase pretty easily now, but I'm style trying to figure out a good plan of attack for that one! I'll definitely be back to attempt to finish it.  I see in your devlog you have bigger plans for this game.. I hope your able to figure out a way around the memory error that's hold it back.

Thanks so much for playing, and your feedback! Actually, that's a good suggestion. Adding a little audio feedback for Camilla wouldn't be hard. Maybe it'd be worth adding a low-stamina alarm too... since on the B-Side attacking drains your stamina. I've been meaning to update the downloadable version, so this might be good excuse to open the project!

Also, congrats on clearing the B-side! You're one of a select few who's completed it. That I know of anyway :)  Thanks for taking the time to leave your feedback, i really appreciate it!

(1 edit)

First and foremost, really nice work! I've enjoyed the series as it's continued, and this game is no exception; it was a lot of fun to play! The new story/lore that's introduced is good, and expands the scope beyond the previous games. At first I wasn't sure how the globe-trotting would feel, but in practice it worked well. (I'm definitely going to need to brush up on a lot of story stuff when I finally get back to work on 2Goku in earnest... the epilogue in particular left me with the distinct feeling that I might butcher canon if I'm not careful. Then again, 2Goku has always been questionably canon in general.)

A few miscellaneous notes from my playthrough:

  • Gremlin gaming Sakura was probably my favorite story/cutscene moment
  • I found an area that got me stuck on the river overlook just behind the building with the neutral NPCs you encounter in the jungle... if you step into a little ditch area on the cliffside you get stuck... I couldn't jump out of it or go into the river, and had to reload. I checked again just for the heck of it and got stuck again XD
  • The area where you can choose stealth was a nice touch... but it was pretty funny seeing all my allies just walk right through the camp after I carefully went around the perimeter.
  • I liked the variety of gameplay in general! VN, FPS, the motorcycle chase, the truck section... all cool! Well, about the motorcycle section...
  • I liked the IDEA of the motorcycle section a lot. But it was by far the hardest and most frustrating part. For some reason the keys just weren't intuitive to me and I kept messing them up. Maybe it's because visually it looks like I should be going up and down on screen, but the keys are left and right.... which makes sense in some ways, but just messed with my brain. I got through it of course, but it took longer than it should have. Thank goodness for the save points.
  • There was one story moment/line that was too real. I'll let you guess.
  • Took me awhile to realize I could only use magic with my pistol out. Maybe it's been that way in the previous games and I forgot.
  • Thank you for the "Special Thanks" in the credits! Not sure I've done much to deserve it (hosting continue it perhaps?) but I appreciate it regardless!

Again, I really enjoyed it, as well as the rest of the series! I know you've been wrestling with gamedev/hobby/life balance... Selfishly, I hope this isn't the end of the series.(I mean, that epilogue, c'mon!) But even if it is I've enjoyed the ride. (I have not yet read the devlog, maybe there's more to learn in there... I'll return to rate once I have time to read it!)

A short but challenging boss-fight! Thank goodness for the large amount of player health, as I was bad at dodging XD

I lost my first play-through, but on the second try I was able to conserve health during the first half of the fight, and that gave me the runway to win. The pixel art all looks nice, and lapspider's BGM is really great!

Nice work!

Thanks for playing, and your feedback! The story is kind of a speed run... if I continue this project, I'll probably redo/expand it considerably.

I've received a lot of feedback regarding the combat. I think all the enemies should have reaction frames for being hit, but the fact that you didn't notice is reason enough to assume they need some work.

I tried to keep the scope of this project small, but it ended up still being just a bit too much for my current schedule... live and learn I guess!

I'll have to give it another spin and see!

Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm really glad you liked the art. I sunk a lot of time into that, and so did Wynn Art for the manga-page sections!

I appreciate your feedback! I'll definitely be tweaking the combat if I continue with this project... I agree that the hit-box detection is too strict on the y-axis currently.

As for your question about the boss... I do think that'd be a good idea! I actually did something like that in my MGGJ7 game, "An Academy Catastrophe."  Unfortunately, most players didn't realize there were 2 endings and just defaulted to the obvious/easy way to defeat the end boss. So... I guess I chickened out this time and kept it simpler.   :(

Thanks so much for playing, glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate your feedback! I've received a lot of comments about the combat, so I'll definitely be updating that if I continue this project. (Note: I will be doing June Mejos and the World Tree one way or another... just haven't decided if this is the right "genre" yet or not.)

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you liked the art, I definitely sunk a lot of time into it XD

I've been doing MGGJ since the first one, and I have several other magical girls in the same setting who appear in the various games. If/when I continue this specific game as a longer project, June will probably be the main character still... but other magical girls will make appearances as well. In the back of my mind I still kinda want to make a JRPG style game at some point... if I do that, there'll be additional party members for sure. (If you're interested in seeing the other characters, check out my main itch page!)

I really love the character artwork, especially the MC and her magical girl outfit! The missile launcher was a pretty amusing power. I liked the shooting mini game! VNs are always enhanced by having minigames and other interactive moments, at least in my opinion. The shooting gallery was fun, but it did lag quite a bit in the web version, so I got the bad ending several times... that said, I eventually learned to work with the lag and carefully time my shots, and got the good ending!

A really cute game, great work!

Thank you so much for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

I think you're the first to comment on the super-hero connection. A lot of Magical Girl media feels like a twist on the super hero formula, and I was definitely inspired by both traditional super-hero media and magical girl shows like Madoka and Yuki Yuna.

I'm hoping to eventually expand this project out into a longer game... but I have several other unfinished projects I may try to finish up first ^^;

This game is a pretty good starting point, as it's the official "origin story" for June Mejos... But if you're at all interested, there are 12 games in the series now on my main itch page... several of which feature June as the main character! (She appears in every game, though a couple it's just a quick cameo)

(1 edit)

Nice, polished bullet-hell game! I really liked the music and artwork, especially the dialogue portraits, which were adorable.

Many others mentioned the difficulty, and they weren't wrong. It's very hard, and though I'd like to play more I need continues or and easy mode! The bullet patterns on the first stage were way too intense for a BH noob like myself. I got her down to about half health and then stuff started raining from above too and I had to through in the towel.

Still, this is well made and surely a treat for bullet hell aficionados. Great work!

The character art is very nice, and I like the music! I think the gameplay needs a little more explanation, as I wasn't quite sure what to do, other than auto-shoot projectiles in the direction I last moved. The blue and red dots look like pickups, but they can't be collected from what I could tell. As others noted, the game crashes at the 3:00 mark.

Seems like a great start, especially the visuals and music. I hope you'll continue work on this game!

Thanks so much for playing! Really glad you enjoyed it. :)

There's not a lot there currently, but as Sunny mentioned below, getting anything done in one night is very impressive! The outline of the game is all there and functions, so that's a lot that you got done in a short amount of time. I hope you'll keep working on it! If not, MGGJ11 will be here soon enough, hope to see you again!

Pretty challenging, but I liked the different abilities! The wall jump, dash, and double jump are all great mobility options. The basic attack combo with the spinning sustained attack was neat too!

The overall game feel was a little off... I had trouble jumping and dash together, and the attacking felt a little stiff. I also would have liked the option to go through the text a little faster during the story segments.

I liked all the original artwork in the game! The royalty free music you chose all worked well.

Overall it's pretty good game! Nice work.

It's short, it's an interesting start! I see it's labeled as a prologue. I don't know anyone else here who did that, ;)

Doing a prologue for a game jam is definitely a smart idea, as trying to cram a whole game into a short dev period is usually tough, and ends with half-finished (or less) games. That said, this game really threw me right into it all, with very little world building, introduction to characters, etc. If you plan to expand this, I'd love to see more of that! As it stands now, there are interesting elements, but as a player it's hard to get invested knowing so little about the setting and story.

Art is really good though! That kept me going, even if it wasn't all finished. I really liked the overall style and look of the game. I wish there had been some music, even if it was just stock/free music.

Overall this a great start! I hope you'll keep working on it.

Short but sweet! It starts out fairly easy, but gets pretty challenging by the end! I managed to just barely win on my third try. The overall look and feel of the game is very nice (as usual for your games!) Definitely on the shorter side this time, but since this was also for a short jam too, that makes sense.

I had a single bug on my second try... the last boss tried to do the "Teleport" attack, but then just sat there instead of attacking... I couldn't hurt it or be hurt by it so I had to restart the game. Thankfully it only happened once!

Overall great work!

Fun visual novel that's just the right length for a game jam! With 72 games to play, I'm grateful for tight, fun experiences.

And this definitely fits that description! The story was enjoyable, the music and SFX all worked well, and the original artwork was a good! I loved the surprise transformation at the end, hehe. I also liked how you worked the rhythm game section in. I enjoy VNs, but I'll always prefer ones that have mini-games and other activities mixed into the story.

Great work! Here's to Chapter 2!

(1 edit)

Wow! This is super polished and complete feeling. I'm a huge fan of Celeste, and this is definitely scratching that itch. It also reminds me of the Knytt series, which is another fav of mine. The over all aesthetic looks great, and though the audio was CC0/free, it was all well chosen.

The levels & progression was all spot on, and I enjoyed all my time with the game. My only nitpick, which has been addressed in a few places, is that it could be more "magical girl" themed... but hey, I still had a great time!

Awesome work!

I went ahead and launched the jam page! It starts officially around the end of the rating period for MGGJ10:

Hi there! There will be a page... in fact, I should probably start building that. I'll return with the link when it's ready.

The rules are pretty relaxed, the goal is to keep our projects going and continue to post and share progress! With that in mind, the main "rule" is to continue a MGGJ project from any of the jams (1-10) or alternately start a new project using one of the previous jams as the theme set.  (I'll likely be continuing my MGGJ8 game, which has been waiting since last year)

There's a "continue-it-mggj" channel on the MGGJ discord where most of the updates/progress sharing/feedback will be posted, though you're free to use other channels too, like art-feedback, devlog, etc!

Very fun game! The character and enemy animations are super cute, I love them!

The gameplay is a lot of fun, especially after you get the right combo of powers. For the first half or so, my attack felt fairly weak, but I eventually got an OP combo going and just ran around annihilating everything. My only complaint at that point was that finding the final boss took forever! It was hard to search with minimal landmarks and invisible boundaries.

Nitpicks aside, I had a blast! Great work!

Starts off simple, but things escalate quickly! Well, I played the updated version, so it seems like things were sped up a bit. I do think the bosses still have a lot of HP.

I really liked the progression though... starting simple, building on different attacks, and getting more complicated with each step up! The music notching up with the difficulty and boss ramp ups was a great touch too!

I had a lot of fun playing this, great work!

I got through all the levels and completed the game! For a Mario-style platformer it's on the right track. I encountered a few bugs... it seemed like I could jump in the sky forever if I just held down space, and after I fired one fireball, all enemies in the level would explode as soon as I saw them. (Which was amusing, but probably not intended)

Congrats on submitting, and keep up the good work!