hi i am very new to writing javascript and i cant get the right code from google and stuff so i am going to need some help can anyone help me out please?
(if u don't wanna understand then scroll to very bottom.)
first declare
public int Xspeed ;
public int Xspeed;
//above start method this'll allow you to access it in inspector, btw you can name it anything
transform.position += new Vector3(0,Yspeed,0)*Time.deltaTime;
//replace key with any key name such as "up" ,"down" ,"left", "right "
//Vector3 is a class/object that take 3 arguments x,y,z you can access these values by using dot next to it (dot syntax)
//It's also a bit like Vector3 .When you'll click on your object you can see transform in inspector and under that you'll find position. If you'll change x y z values object will move and this is what we're doin' from script.
//if you won't multiply with time.deltaTime then it might not run on 60 fps at all devices.
here's the script copy paste it
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
public float Xspeed;
public float Yspeed;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
transform.position+=new Vector3(0,-Yspeed,0)*Time.deltaTime;
transform.position+=new Vector3(0,Yspeed,0)*Time.deltaTime;
transform.position+=new Vector3(-Xspeed,0,0)*Time.deltaTime;
transform.position+=new Vector3(Xspeed,0,0)*Time.deltaTime;
//btw remember to drag it on you object and then change value of Xspeed and Yspeed from inspector.