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What Are Your Ideas?

A topic by Mint-Rabbit created Apr 06, 2024 Views: 107 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 4

What are folks thinking of working on for this jam?

Personally I'm borrowing the swap-able playbooks from Brinkwood for this one, probably stripping down Forged in the Dark.


I'm building out  a GM-less system that I'll probably call The Hourglass Sings. Players take turns either describing activity in a community or advancing the protagonist's actions. Looping time structure, healing as a theme. Going really on the nose if I can.

The only mechanic I'm 100% sure on right now is that when time resets, all players hum together in a small ritual.


Interesting! Do you think you'll make it setting-agnostic, or are you going to embed it into something similar to Majora's Mask?

I've had a time loop game on the backburner for awhile! You play with a row of index cards and rip them into smaller and smaller pieces as the timeline fragments. This seems like very good motivation to work on that. 


Ohh, will it be solo or for a group?

I'm honestly not sure yet! Still thinking.


I just wrote a 600 work lyric game about feeling complicated emotions while looking at the moon. Not the MM moon, just the normal moon. That’s 99% of what I did as a kid when I played MM anyway lol


oh that sounds so juicy!