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A topic by FlappyFanks created Jul 05, 2020 Views: 187 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Any questions about the Jam? I will try to answer it.

Can we edit the game post-jam? Like if we wanted to make it a full game


what game post-jam? 

I mean like, after the game jam ends, as well as its voting period, do we get to continue developing our games on the same itch page or will we have to create a new one. Because most Jams don't allow you to edit after the jam period but instead you must make a new itch page for your fully completed game


It is up to you but I guess it is better to create your own itch page after to promote your game and yourself. If you decide to continue it here then you most likely going to promote the jam and your game. (I guess?)

Oh ok, thanks!

Is there going to be any discord server for people making games for this game jam?


Sorry but there is no discord server. This is just actually the very first game jam that I've hosted. Thanks for the question (I might make a discord server next time I host a jam).



Hi , This is my first game jam . 15 days left , I will try my best to make a meme game. I just wanted to ask if I am too late for the jam to participate ?


You are not late to participate, you could join the discord server. The link is at the discord server topic.