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A jam submission

Maryo's JourneyView game page

Maryo's village destroyed and a princess is kidnapped. Well maybe you should help him a little
Submitted by Wolderado, Belaniax (@Belaniax) — 4 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Metaness Quality#183.9503.950
Gameplay Innovation#422.8502.850
Uniqueness of Metaness#493.3003.300

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Relevant Metaness Categories

Breaks the Fourth Wall
Specific Game Parody
External Interaction

How is your game meta (within each relevant category)?
The game has Mario like mechanics and game constantly interacting with you (as a player) thus breaking the 4th wall. And sometimes mocks the developers

Please list any pre-made art/music/other assets that you used.
None. All assets created during jam

How many members in your team?

Team of 2

List your team's social media!

Anything you want to say to players before they play?
The game gets better after the tutorial

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OK, I finally uploaded a video of my playthrough, it can be found here:


This was very fun!

I do wish I could speed up the dialogue. I read pretty fast and tend to get a little frustrated staring at text I already read thirty seconds ago. Related, there were a few occasions during cutscenes where Maryo would pause in talking/moving long enough that I was briefly concerned something had broken.

One actual bug - on fighting the boss (first boss? I did not manage to complete the game), I died and the camera did not recenter on Maryo. I'd respawned entirely off screen too.

Overall, absolutely loved the humor, and the platforming felt very solid. And I emphasize that last point - platform physics are tricky, and these felt really good. Definitely planning to play again later when I'm more awake, and seeing if I can beat it. ^_^


Phew, that last boss was tough. Thank you so much for letting this check-point for the second phase!

Pretty fun. On some occasions I had the impressions the camera locked itself at the wrong position (once after dying for the first time in Chapter 1, and in Chapter 2 when a door keylock was actually outside the screen). But otherwise it was nice.


Great game with funny dialogs! Too bad I got stuck at the end, so you might want to check that out.

Watch the video!


I was really enjoying this game, and then I got soft-locked during the crisis section (chapter3), I couldn't suicide or push maryo anymore or do anything it seemed.  I don't think I was missing controls or anything.  I dunno, getting stuck with no way out was upsetting, I wanted to finish!  Maybe I'll get back to this later!

Great work so far!


it's a bit unintuitive and weird but you need to push maryo from the ledge to continue


I enjoyed the game play concept, always been a platform junkie. Using your dead bodies as safe passage was a nice twist as well. 

However the jumping sound effect got really grating to my ears, and seeing how its a platformer you do jump quite a bit.

As for the meta aspect, Maryo wrestling control from you was a nice touch, but sometimes those sections felt like they lasted a tiny bit too long. Maybe allowing the player to advance his text would be a good way to adjust that. That would take alittle meta out of it though...

Overall Nice Job!


I really really liked this game!  Waaaay better than I expected -I especially loved the humor.  Lot of nice little things like him taking control away for a sec.  Good art and challenge too -awesome job!


Love how you could jump on 'your' own dead body! Wish that mechanic could have been used more :D Overall great presentation and neat meta dialogue.


Mario in an existential crisis? Pretty meta, but man, there are areas in this game where you can get stuck completely and have to restart the game.

- After dying and replaying chapter 1, the game breaks when the control is wrested from you at the place where Maryo jumps on his own

- Got to chapter 3 and pushed Maryo down a hole with the circular thing and nothing else happened

The platforming is pretty solid, but the jerking camera messes with you sometimes, and there are hazards that get immediately hurled at you. Otherwise, cool entry!


I'm sorry you had a bad experience. There was some game breaking bugs that causes jerking camera, animation stucks etc. We recently released an update which fixes those bugs. Btw you have to go right, after dropping maryo.