This was a cool game, the aesthetic was great, the music was catchy, and the power-ups and boss fights all felt unique and fun. It was also short and sweet with the option of finding and killing all the scientists (which I didn't do, I'm not a monster!).
Some feedback:
- the controls can be pretty difficult at times, especially around wall jumping. This made the first boss particularly difficult.
- I put in all the symbols I saw in that vault area but didn't get any feedback on if I had done it right or not, so I'm not really sure what that room is all about.
- It was never super clear to me when I was supposed to attack the floating balls on the third boss. I think it was a combination of not knowing if the balls were damaging me or if the water drops were damaging me. Once I destroyed the cannons, this became much less of an issue, but when the cannons and balls were both up at the same time it was a little unclear what exactly I needed to do to win.
Overall a really cool entry, some really clever designs in here (I particularly appreciated the triple cannon room with the + marks to indicate the optimal path) Thanks for submitting this, it was super enjoyable!
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